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L. , ,, . Cor i4 <br />STATE AS:".�Ck/=HT1CIN OF COUNTY CC"'MMISSI 0NI Ek<S <br />LECISLAF1VE Pf,0.3i,.jiv; 'adoo i, ::J i�ebruary 26, 1963 <br />1. Section 16 of Article IC of the k }ori +a onstitution relaiing to gc:as <br />aline tax become effective J:jnuary 1, i'.- (lod remains in effect for a <br />period of fifty years. Since twcr,;7 one y srs have cIcsped s111Ce i 11 C-,' <br />effective date of this arneridment, it is no longer po�sibie to pledge-, the <br />anticipated revenues from the constitutiona} tl�solir;e tr,x in thirty year <br />bonds, and we believe it is essential t ;at Hi is carnes-' !� ;nt k � re <br />- enacted <br />for an additional period of fifty years, or for an i; u::,ainitct time in t!:e <br />future. We recommend that the present 7(, 'sax on c)o,�);ii?c ue incl_dea� <br />in the amendment and that the new arrmendment specificc,I y �;,_,thoria., the <br />levy of an additional 1e tax on gasoline to be dio�u-nties <br />on the present formula for distribu'rion,, to r;ie 3o1srd; <f `c,r:ty ors c, i <br />sioners to be used for county ro,.id ar:d bridge purpss_°s, arc' .vc f�r'hcr <br />recommend the imposition of the. 8th cent tax for sac f;;r,ase• <br />2. The 3G per packagc increase in tk0e tax on cigarettes with provisions <br />for distribution to the counties of the proceeds c.f too tax on <akcs cutsid'. <br />the boundaries of municipalities on the basis of 7_5 tc� th(' c""ty here <br />collected, and 2.5% of the proceeds of the tax to be apporiionoj t:; all of <br />the counties on an equak basis, o ciers a source of revenue thcl wokjId go <br />for to meet the needs of the counties, and we recommend this proposal as <br />a part of the legislative program of this Assrciatiof) - <br />3. We recommend that the present sales tax be bronco:ned or ihat an <br />increase be made in the sakes tax on those transcctions no'w :::xed with <br />apportionment of a portion, of the proceE: s t reaf to the scv!,ra1 cojn- <br />ties, or in the alternative, a grant of crutI::Q! i,y to file counties to levy <br />sales tax for general county purposes. <br />4. We recommend the allocation of the unplcciacd port of tf e proceeds <br />of the sale of automobile license tags to acquis}tion .)f rigs is-oF-•way for <br />the primary road system . <br />5. We recommend IenisIation having for its purpose tho bringinq about <br />of a more realistic valuation o` real and personal pr icy for nd valorem <br />tax purposes with the p ovision for a reduction in r,:iiic cornparabke to <br />the increase in valuation. <br />6. We recommend a general revision of the schedule of occupational <br />license taxes with provision that all of the proceeds of such tax. be re- <br />mitted to the counties. <br />7. We recommend that the counties be authorized to levy excise tax <br />o•n utilities. <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />