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SJRWMD Alternative Water Supply Construction Cost-Sharing Application Form FY 2002-2003 <br /> EVALUATION FACTOR related to question B4. <br /> Is the project in an area identified by the SJRWMD Water Supply Assessment as a priority water resource <br /> caution area or a delineated area? This will be determined for you by SJRWMD staff. 0-5 points . Yes, Inside <br /> caution area = 5; Yes, Inside delineated area = 3; No, Outside caution area and/or delineated area = 0. <br /> 5. Projected schedule <br /> Projected starting date : mo. Ju___^lx_ yr. 2003 . Completion date : mo. October yr. 2004 . <br /> (Funds received through this program may be used only for projects constructed after a cost-sharing <br /> contract has been executed and may not be used to reimburse the cost of existing structures or structures <br /> already under construction. Cost-sharing contracts will probably be executed in April or May 2003) , <br /> 6. Will water from this project directly take the place of an existing or proposed withdrawal from a higher <br /> quality water source? , . . . . 1 1 . 0 1 . . . . 0 . . . . , 0 . * . 6 . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <br /> . . . . . * ' . . 0 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes ✓ No <br /> If yes , identify the source and quantity of higher quality water to be replaced. <br /> ✓ Floridan aquifer . . . . . . . . . . . 525 . 6 million gallons per year <br /> ✓ Surficial aquifer , , , . . , . , , . . . , 525 . 6 million gallons per year <br /> Surface water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . million gallons Per year <br /> If surface water, state name of water body <br /> EVALUATION FACTOR related to question B4. <br /> Will water from this project directly and effectively take the place of an existing or proposed higher quality <br /> water source? 0-20 points . Based on rater 's assessment of the effectiveness of the project at saving potable <br /> water and apparent relative cost effectiveness. Because of the great variation in types of projects, calculations <br /> of cost effectiveness for widely dissimilar projects, such as urban reuse and agricultural freeze protection ponds <br /> will not be directly compared. <br /> Does the project contribute to the recovery of violated minimum flows or levels? This will be determined for <br /> you by SJRWMD staff. 040 points . Yes = 10; No = 0. <br /> 7. Does the project provide other water resource benefits in addition to water supply, such as improving or <br /> protecting ground or surface water quality, increasing recharge or conserving water? Yes ✓ No <br /> If yes, then describe benefits? You may add one page attachment behind this page if necessary . <br /> Mixing R. O . concentrate water with stormwater and reusing as reclaimed water will reduce concentrate <br /> and stormwater being released to the Indian River Lagoon <br /> EVALUATION FACTOR related to question 114. <br /> Does the project provide other water resource benefits in addition to water supply, such as improving <br /> or <br /> protecting ground or surface water quality, increasing recharge or conserving water? 0= 10 points . Based on <br /> rater 's assessment of the extent and significance of additional benefits. <br /> Page A - 4 <br /> FAU46tin\ TMrrY . ENGIDrmUNGtprojaa4 • Mlity Comtructiou PartnitsMC . 2003 SJRWN0 Ahwuntiw Won Supply Gum App\St Johns Algrootiw Water Supply ApplicmoaBtiva to North Raliuf <br />Casal.doc <br />