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Contract #SG323AA <br /> Scope of Work <br /> This project will provide rerouting of concentrate from the County ' s North Regional RO Water <br /> Treatment Facility to the Bent Pine Rapid Infiltration Basin (RIB ) site where it will be mixed <br /> with stormwater and then reused for golf course irrigation . The facilities for the project includes <br /> a control structure west of the Lateral G Canal , a pumping station , a 32- acre wetlands system, <br /> and a pump system for routing the effluent through the reclaimed water system or discharging <br /> excess into the Lateral G Canal . <br /> TASK IDENTIFICATION <br /> Cost share recipient shall construct or have constructed the facility described in the attached <br /> Exhibit B . <br /> TIMEFRAMES AND DELIVERABLES <br /> Project deliverable shall be the completion of construction of the facility described in the attached <br /> Exhibit B . <br /> The facility for the project includes a control structure west of the Lateral G Canal , a pumping <br /> station , a 32-acre wetlands system, and a pump system for routing the effluent through the <br /> reclaimed water system or discharging excess into the Lateral G Canal . <br /> Completion date shall be eighteen months from execution of the contract . <br /> BUDGET/COST SCHEDULE <br /> DISTRICT shall reimburse cost share recipient for 50 % of the project ' s cost, up to a maximum <br /> not-to -exceed amount of $ 125 ,000 . Payment shall be due upon satisfactory completion of <br /> project , as certified by DISTRICT , and the submission of an invoice and proof of payment made <br /> by Indian River County Utilities of project costs by cost share recipient . <br /> Page 5 of 6 <br />