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EXHIBIT "A" <br /> Being a parcel of land located on an island in the <br /> Indian River on the South side of Wabasso Road in <br /> Section 27 , Townnhip 31 South , Range 39 East, Indian <br /> River County , Florida , the boundary of which is more <br /> particularly described by metes and bounds as folluwer <br /> From the Northeast corner of aforesaid Section 27 , <br /> Township 31 South , Range 39 East , run North 88 ' 34 ' <br /> 54 ' West , a distance of 683 feet : thence run South <br /> 47 ' 53 . 56 ' Went ,. a distance of 595 feet to a point <br /> near the East end of the Fast Wabasso Bridge ; . thence <br /> run South 51 ' '47 . 56 = West near the centerline' of <br /> aforesaid b?idge , a distance of 1482 , 52 feet to apoint . <br /> near the West end of the aforeYsaid bridge ; , +aid point <br /> being the point of beginning; 9 From . the point of be- - <br /> ginningj run South 54 . 38 ' 2S ' Eadt on a line offshore <br /> of the aforesaid island , a dints nce of 982 . 38 feet ; ,Q , 5 <br /> thence run South 21 ' 47 ' East , ' a distance of 575 . 04 feeti <br /> -thence run South 38 ' 13 ' Went , a distance of 725 . 8 feet 1_$ " <br /> to a concrete monument • on . the snore of aforesaid island ; <br /> thence continue South 38 ' 13 ' . West , a distance of. 101 , 55 <br /> . feet to a point in the Indian Riverr thence run South <br /> �. 59 ' 48 ' 47 ' Went , a distance of 683 . 54 feet to a point <br /> in the Indian Riverr thence run North 33 ' 07 . 54 • West, <br /> a distance of 1695 . 41 feet to. a point on the West Wabasso <br /> Bridge ; thence following near the centerline of the <br /> Wabasso Road , run North 56 ' 03 ' 06 '. East , a distance of <br /> 880 feet to a point where the Wabasso Road intersects <br /> with the Pine Island access roads thence run North 60' - <br /> 17 ' 21' East , a distance of 208 . 02 feetr thence . run <br /> North 51 ' 47 ' 56" East , - a distance of 132 . 48 feet to <br /> the Point of Beginning. All the above less right of <br /> ways for Wabasso Rud and Pins Saland Access road . <br /> . . Containing 51 acres , more or less , <br /> p RCIAL RECDRI <br /> 427 , <br /> Exhibit "A" <br /> Page 5 of 7 Pages <br /> Modification of Dedication No. 23919 <br />