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Environmental Learning Center, Inc.
Moidfication to lease Pelican Island Audubon Society
Wabasso Island
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EXHIBIT " B " <br /> The following described properties, situate, lying, and being in Indian River.County, Florida, to wit: <br /> Tract No. 8100E-1 (MSA IR-3A) . <br /> Being a parcel of land on an island in the Indian River South of Wabasso . Road in Section 27, <br /> Township 31 South, Range 39 East, Indian River County, Florida; the boundaryof which is more . <br /> particularly described by metes and bounds as follows:. <br /> Commencing at a point 1910'feet South and 1428 feet West. of the. Northeast corner of Section 27, <br /> Township 31 South, Range 39 East, run South 21 °47'00" East; :a distance of 490 feet to a concrete <br /> monument on the Westerly side of an approximately 97 feet West of the centerline of the Pine Island <br /> access road, and being the Point of Beginning. l rom. the. Point of $eginning tori South 48 °01'00": . <br /> East, a distance of 643 feet to a .pointin the Indian. River near the -shore of the aforesaid island; <br /> thencorun South 421717' West; :a distance of 869.56 feet to a point in the7ndian River., thence run <br /> North. 43 ° 13 '30" W.4t; a: distance. of 581 feetto a point in the lndian River and on the Southerly <br /> boundary of a proposed park area; thence ran North 38'13 '00" East, a , distance ofP . <br /> 10135- feet to <br /> concretemonument on the shore of theaforesaid island; thence continue North 38 °13'00:' Easton the <br /> Southeasterly-boundary of the aforesaid park area' a distance of 772 feet to .the Point of Beginning. <br /> Containing 12.23 acres• net,^. being the same property over and upon. which the United States of <br /> -America -aoquired a `perpetual:• easement for. the ' deposit of dredged materials by instnim'eitt of <br /> conveyance dated 12 August 1962; of record in Official Record Book 178, Page 422, of-the public <br /> records of Indian-River County, Florida; said conveyance having been executedby the Trustees of <br /> the Internal-Improvement Funds of the State of Florida. <br /> Tract No. 8100E-2 <br /> Being an easement of 40 in width across a parcel of land oil an island in the Indian River South of <br /> Wabasso Road iii Section 27; Township 31 South, Range 39 East, Indian River County, Florida, the <br /> boundary.of which is more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: ` <br /> Beginning at a point 1910 .South and 1428 feet West of the Northeast corner of Section '27, . <br /> Township 31 South, Range 39 East, said point lying in the river, and run South 21 °47'00" East along <br /> the Easterly boundary of aforesaid easement and also being.the most Western left of the Tuerk Tract <br /> 106-A, a distance of 490 feet to the most Northerly comer of aproposed spoil area; thence run South <br /> 38 ° 13 '00" Wesk-a distance of 46. 19 feet; thence run North 21047100" West on a line parallel to and <br /> 40 feet West of the aforesaid Easterly boundary a. distance of 575.04 feet to • a point on the <br /> Northeasterly boundary of a proposed park area; thence run South 54 °38 '25" East on the aforesaid <br /> Northeasterly boundary ofapark area, a distance of 73 .73 feet to thePoint ofBeginning. Containing <br /> 0.49. acres, ' more of less; being the same property over and upon which the United States of <br /> American acquired a perpetual easement to construct * operation, maintain, repair, replace and <br /> 1.%FINDIDAVIDIFINDLLANDPRDPMGMTLANDMGMTINDIAMIR-i-A1D111Y CLAIM DEED (INDIANRIVER CDUNTY).DOC . <br />
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