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aor � • oo3 <br /> +',.!halon • + °'"� �' <br /> STATE OF FLORIDA <br /> DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT <br /> RICK SCOTT BRYAN W. KOON <br /> Governor <br /> Director <br /> November 17 , 2011 <br /> SUBGRANTEE : Indian River County Department of Emergency Services <br /> ISSUE NUMBER PROJECT TITLE FINAL ALLOCATION <br /> 7 Exercises $ 10 , 000 . 00 <br /> 7 Planning $ 4 , 500 . 00 <br /> 7 Training $ 2 , 000 . 00 <br /> GRANT PERIOD : October 1 , 2011 — April 30 , 2014 AWARD TOTAL : $ 16 , 500 . 00 <br /> FEDERAL GRANT NO : STATE GRANT NO : Provided Upon Execution <br /> In accordance with the provisions of Federal Fiscal Year 2011 Homeland Security Grant <br /> Program , the Florida Division of Emergency Management hereby awards to the foregoing <br /> Subgrantee a grant in the amount shown above . <br /> Payment of Funds : The Award Letter must be signed by the Official Authorized to Sign in <br /> the space below and the original returned to the Florida Division of Emergency <br /> Management before execution of your agreement . The subgrantee should not expend any <br /> funds until they receive a fully executed agreement from the Florida Division of Emergency <br /> Management and all Special Conditions are satisfied . Grant funds will be disbursed to <br /> subgrantees ( according to the approved project budget ) upon receipt of evidence that items <br /> have been invoiced , deliverables have been received and that funds have been expended <br /> ( i . e . , invoices , contracts , itemized expenses , canceled checks , etc . ) . <br /> Supplantation : The Act requires that subgrantees provide assurance that subgrant funds <br /> will not be used to supplant or replace local or state funds or other resources that would <br /> otherwise have been available for homeland security activities . In compliance with that <br /> mandate , I certify that the receipt of federal funds through Florida Division of Emergency <br /> Management shall in no way supplant or replace state or local funds or other resources that <br /> would have been made available for homeland security activities . <br /> Conditions : I certify that I understand and agree that funds will only be expended for <br /> those projects outlined in the funding amounts as individually listed above . I also <br /> certify that I understand and agree to comply with the general and fiscal terms and <br /> conditions of the grant including special conditions ; to comply with provisions of the Act <br /> governing these funds and all other federal laws ; that all information is correct ; that there <br /> FLORIDA RECOVERY OFFICE DIVISION HEADQUARTERS STATE LOGISTICS RESPONSE CENTER <br /> 5900 Lake Ellenor Drive 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard 2702 Directors Row <br /> Orlando , FL 32809 - 4634 Tallahassee , FL 32399 - 2100 Orlando , FL 32809 - 5631 <br /> Tel : 850 - 413 - 9969 • Fax 850 - 488 - 1016 <br /> www . FloridaDisaster oro <br />