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THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1977 <br />THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, <br />FLORIDA, MET IN SPECIAL SESSION AT THE COURTHOUSE, VERO BEACH, FLORIDA, <br />ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1977, AT 3:00 O'CLOCK P.M. PRESENT WERE <br />WILLIAM C. WODTKE, JR., CHAIRMAN; ALMA LEE Loy, VICE CHAIRMAN; <br />WILLARD W. SIEBERT, .JR.; EDWIN S. SCHMUCKER;®AND R. DON DEESON. ALSO <br />PRESENT WERE GEORGE G. COLLINS, .JR., ATTORNEY TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS, AND VIRGINIA HARGREAVES, DEPUTY CLERK. <br />CHAIRMAN WODTKE ANNOUNCED THAT THIS SPECIAL MEETING IS BEING <br />HELD FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING EXTENDING THE HOURS FOR THE SALE <br />OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. <br />THE HOUR OF 3:00 O'CLOCK P.M. HAVING PASSED, THE DEPUTY CLERK <br />READ THE FOLLOWING NOTICE WITH PROOF OF PUBLICATION ATTACHED, TO—WIT: <br />VERO BEACH PRESS -JOURNAL <br />Published Weekly <br />Vero Beach, Indian River County, Florida NOTICE <br />NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board <br />Of County Commissioners of Indian River <br />COUNTY OF INDIAN RIVER: County. Florida, will hold a public hearing on <br />STATE OF FLORIDA November 17, 1977, at 3:00 P.M. at the Indian <br />.River County Courthouse to consider the <br />Before the undersigned authority personally appeared J. J. Schumann, Jr. who on oath adoption of a resolution amending Resolution <br />Gays that he is Business Manager of the Vero Beach Press-Joumal, a weekly newspaper published No. 68-26, so that when amended it shall read <br />at Vero Beach in Indian River County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being as follows: <br />Sec. 2-1. Hours of sale. <br />The hours of sale of alcoholic beverages <br />a within the territory of Indian River County, <br />Florida, not included within any municipality <br />are established as follows: <br />in the matter of - (a) No alcoholic beverages, that is, all <br />beverages containing more than one percent of <br />alcohol by weight, may be sold, consumed or <br />served or permitted to be served or consumed <br />e� .in any place holding a license under the State <br />Beverage Division of Florida between the <br />hours of 2:00 a.m, and 7:00 a.m. of each <br />In the Court, was pub- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or <br />Saturday. <br />(b) No alcoholic beverages, that is, all <br />beverages containing more than one percent of <br />lashed in said newspaper in the issues of alcohol by weight, may be sold, consumed or <br />served or permitted to be served or consumed <br />�i In any place holding a license under the -State <br />17 -1 7 hoursBeverage <br />era f 2 <br />e Division <br />a1 <br />fnd 1rp <br />idhbetwe between <br />the <br />ch <br />Sunday. <br />Affiant further says that the said Vero Beach Press -Journal is a newspaper published at (c) No alcoholic beverages, that is, all <br />Vero Beach, in said Indian River County, and that the said newspaper has heretofore beverages containing more than one percent of <br />been continuously published in said Indian River County, Florida, weekly and has been entered alcohol by weight, may be sold, consumed or <br />as second class mail matter at the post office in Vero Beach, in said Indian River County Florida served or. permitted to be served or consumed <br />for a period of one year next preceeding the first publication of the attached copy of adver- is any place holding a license between <br />State <br />y g feu Beverage Division of Floridaa between the <br />tisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or hours of 1:01 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. on Monday of <br />corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this adver. each week. <br />tisement for publication in the said newspaper. Board of County Commissioners <br />CT } J s 19-7of Indian River County, Florida <br />"` A.D. 7 Oct.26197W(IliamC.WadtkeJr.,Chairman <br />Swom to and subscribed before me this � day of <br />�r Cosiness Manager) <br />i <br />(Clerk of the Circuit Court, 1 di River County, Florida) <br />ISEAU <br />1 <br />NOV 171917 ' ROOK PAIGE <br />L_ <br />