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291 1 <br />y <br />TUESDAY, FEBRUARY , , 1953 <br />rs of Indian River County met at the Court Souse <br />in regular meeting at 9:00 o'clock A. M., Tuesday, February 3, 1953: with the following mem- <br />bers present: Commissioners W. C. Graves, Jr., Aubrey L. Waddell, H. C. Watts, a. J. P. <br />Hamilton and Allison Warren. Also present were S. N. Smith, Jr., Attorney, L. B. O'Steen, <br />Sheriff, E. E. Carter, Road & Bridge Superintendent and Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />Minutes of January 9, 1953 and January 19, 1953, were read and the same approved <br />upon motion of Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton and carried. <br />On Motion of Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Watts and carried, <br />the Board agreed to expend, not to exceed $2300.00, for the purchase of a new fire truck in <br />connection with the fire protection for Indian River growers and citizens with the provision <br />that the City of Vero Beach was to install a tank on same and do whatever else is necessary <br />in order to put the trunk into operation to provide the necessary fire protection service in <br />connection therewith. Further that the old truck is to be the property of Indian River County <br />for the use of the Road and Bridge Department. Further that Fire Chief Guy Sullivan contact the <br />Board's attorney, Sherman N. Smith, Jr., in order to determine the proper specifications for <br />a Notice inviting bids to be prepared by Attorney, S. N. Smith, Jr. <br />Troy E. Moody, Tax Collector, appeared before the Board and requested a main- <br />tenance contract for the validating machine in the Collector's office for a period of 10 years <br />at $57.00;per year. Said request was granted and it was so ordered upon Motion of Commissioner <br />Warren, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton and carried. <br />The following were appointed deputy sheriff's by Sheriff O'Steen, and Douglas <br />Baker, Clerk announced that said appointments had been filed with him: <br />NAME PRECINCT # ADDRESS <br />Curtis L. Knight 3A Gifford <br />T. T. Arendas 4. Vero Beach <br />John Wegenka 4. Vero Beach <br />Deputy Sheriff's Bond for Curtis L. Knight in the sum of $1,000.00 with Home <br />``ndemnity Company as surety was approved. <br />Mrs. Anne Christensen, County Welfare Case Worker, appeared before the Board <br />and made a report of her activities for the Month of January and said report was filed with <br />the Clerk. <br />After considerable discussion in the matter, it was moved by Commissioner <br />Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and unanimously carried, that the Board go on <br />record as approving two proposed local bills for submission at the comming session of State <br />Legislature by Sherman N. Smith, Jr., representative. <br />One would raise the salaries of the County Commissioners from $50.00 to $100.00 <br />per month. The other to establish noon, February lst of each election year to be the final <br />date of qualifying for all County Offices. -of Indian River County. <br />In connection with the foregoing proposed bills, Douglas Baker, Clerk was <br />instructed to contact Robert L. Griffin, Secretary -Treasurer of the State Association of County <br />Commissioners, for comparable figures as to salaries received by County Commissioners in several <br />of the other Counties of the State, and that such information be furnished the County news- <br />papers for publication in order that the public be well advised. <br />On Motion of Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Watts and carried, <br />the Board authorized Attorney, S. N. Smith, Jr. to prepare Notice inviting bids on concrete <br />reinforcing steel and a cement mixer for the Road and Bridge Department. <br />