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The Contractor shall furnish of all labor , materials , equipment and , incidentals <br /> required for the horizontal direction drill ( HDD ) installation of high density <br /> polyethylene ( HDPE ) pressure pipe , as shown on the Drawings and as <br /> specified herein . <br /> 1 . 02 SUBMITTALS <br /> A . Submit shop drawings in accordance with the General Conditions , and the <br /> following : <br /> 1 . Submit list and description of materials and equipment to be used . <br /> 2 . Prepare and submit project drilling plans for review by the Engineer . This project <br /> drilling plans shall include equipment to be used , a description of each drill <br /> entry and exit angles , depth of pilot hole at various points along the drill , <br /> bend radius of the pipe , pullback monitoring plan , drill fluid disposal plan , <br /> drill fluid containment plan , hurricane preparedness plan , safety provisions , <br /> and damage prevention provisions . <br /> 3 . Calculations signed and sealed by a professional engineer licensed in the state <br /> of Florida demonstrating a factor of safety of 2 against buckling and pullback <br /> stress for the proposed pipe materials considering the materials , bore hole <br /> path , and equipment to be used for this installation . <br /> 4 . The project plan and calculations shall be submitted two weeks prior to the <br /> commencement of the directional drilling operations . <br /> 5 . Submit proposed pressure testing locations for pipe before directional boring . <br /> 6 . Submit an accurate record of the crossing location in plan view and profile <br /> depth . Record all changes on the contract drawings as work progresses . <br /> 7 . Submit affidavit from the pipe manufacture of compliance with referenced <br /> standards listed in the latest Indian River County Utility Standards , as <br /> applicable . <br /> 8 . Certification that the directional drilling Contractor ( or Subcontractor) is licensed <br /> to perform the work specified including possession of a State of Florida <br /> Underground Utility Contractor' s license , and a State of Florida General <br /> Contractor's license . <br /> 9 . The Contractor shall submit and demonstrate expertise in trenchless methods <br /> by providing a list of four utility references for which similar work has been <br /> performed in the last two years . The references should include a name and <br /> telephone number where contact can be made to verify the contractor' s <br /> capability . The Contractor must provide documentation showing successful <br /> completion of the projects used for reference . Conventional trenching <br /> experience will not be considered applicable . All supervisory personnel <br /> must be adequately trained and shall have at least four (4) years experience <br /> in directional boring . The Contractor shall submit the names and resumes <br /> of all supervisory field personnel prior to construction . <br /> 10 . Submit a list of all equipment to be operated at the site ( s ) and anticipated noise <br /> emanation of each . <br /> TECHNICAL PROVISIONS <br /> TP - 15 <br /> FAPublic Works\Capital Projects\Oslo Road Lateral J\BID DOCUMENTS\DIVISION 2 - Technical Provisions . doc <br />