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11 . Submit a flushing and pigging plan for cleaning the pipes after installation , <br /> including the specifics of the proposed pig . <br /> PART 2 — MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT <br /> 2 . 01 PIPE <br /> The pipe material for this installation shall be DIP size HDPE DR - 11 ( minimum ) , as <br /> described in the Indian River County Utility Standards . <br /> 2 . 02 BOLTS AND NUTS FOR MECHANICAL JOINT CONNECTIONS <br /> Refer to Indian River County Utility Standards . <br /> 2 . 03 DRILLING FLUID <br /> Drilling fluid shall be bentonite and water or a combination of bentonite and <br /> polymers and water formulated to move cuttings to the surface and lubricate <br /> the pipe during pullback . <br /> 2 . 04 DRILL PIPE <br /> Drill pipe shall be steel with sufficient strength to withstand the maximum <br /> rated pullback and pushing load of the drilling equipment . Drill pipe , tool <br /> joints shall be flush and capable of transmitting maximum rated torque <br /> of the drilling equipment . <br /> 2 . 05 DRILLING EQUIPMENT <br /> A . Drilling equipment shall be in good condition and designed and have sufficient <br /> power to drill the required length hole , backream , and pull the pipe as <br /> shown on the Drawings . <br /> B . All equipment including drilling equipment shall be muffled to emanate a <br /> maximum noise level of 72 dBA (as defined in ANSI S1 . 4) measured at 10 <br /> feet when operating within 100 feet of any residential unit . Measure noise <br /> level in accordance with ISO 3740 and 3744 . <br /> C . Mixing , pumping , recycling , and holding/separation tanks shall be capable of <br /> delivering mixed drilling fluid to the cutting head . Drilling fluids recycling <br /> equipment including baffle tanks , shaker screen , de -sanding and de - silting <br /> hydro cyclones shall be utilized and designed to minimize spillage and <br /> quanities of drilling fluids necessary for these installations . <br /> 2 . 06 DOWNHOLE TOOLS <br /> A . Cutting heads , backreamers , and hole openers shall be suitable for the soil and <br /> rock conditions anticipated by the Contractor . <br /> B . Grips , pulling heads , and swivels shall be compatible with the pipe material . <br /> Design these components to transmit without distortion the maximum rated <br /> pullback force of the equipment used . Grips , pulling heads , and swivels <br /> shall be specifically engineered for directional drilling applications . <br /> C . Tracking equipment shall be capable of determining the location of the cutting <br /> head at depth within ± 1 foot . <br /> TECHNICAL PROVISIONS <br /> TP- 16 <br /> FAPublic Works\Capital Projects\Oslo Road Lateral J\BID DOCUMENTS\DIVISION 2 - Technical Provisions . doc <br />