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2 . 07 BREAK- OUT TOOLS <br /> Remote breakout wrenches may either be manual or hydraulic and shall be used <br /> to connect or break tool joints forward of the drill rig . Drill rig rotational <br /> power shal not be used with remote wrenches to make or break tool joints . <br /> 2 . 08 TRACKING SYSTEM <br /> Tracking equipment shall be capable of determining the location of the cutting <br /> head at +/- 1 % of the depth . <br /> PART 3 - EXECUTION <br /> 3 . 01 PILOT BORE <br /> Construct a pilot bore at the centerline alignment and grade as indicated on the <br /> drawings . Circulate drilling fluids to maintain an open bore at all times . If the <br /> path of the pilot bore is successfully completed , then proceed with the <br /> reaming procedure , and pull the pipe from the end of the HDD path ( exit pit) <br /> to the beginning location of the HDD path (entry pit) . If the pilot bore cannot <br /> be successfully completed , then do not proceed with the reaming procedure <br /> until the owner , Owner's Representative , Engineer , and Contractor have <br /> met to discuss alternative options for the pipeline crossing . The pilot bore <br /> and reaming procedure shall be controlled by a magnetic survey system <br /> including accelerometers , magnetometers , connector wire , and survey <br /> probe . The guidance system shall be capable of measuring depth , location , <br /> pitch , and roll of the bore and shall be able to indicate depth up to 100 feet . <br /> 3 . 02 DRILLING FLUIDS <br /> Contain and dispose of the drilling mud in accordance with state and federal <br /> regulations and permit conditions . Install erosion and sedimentation control <br /> measures including straw bales to prevent drilling mud from spilling out of <br /> the entrance/exit pit . Monitor drilling fluids at the surface to avoid excessive <br /> downhole pressures . Limit pressures in order to not buckle the surface of <br /> the pipe during installation . Clean - up and dispose of any and all fluids that <br /> may be released or generated by this construction . <br /> 3 . 03 BORE HOLE REAMING AND PIPE INSTALLATION <br /> Upon completing the pilot bore and before pulling the drill pipe back through the <br /> bore , use oversized reamer as necessary to enlarge the bore to provide <br /> sufficient clearance for the pipe pull back . Attach pulling head and swivel <br /> and pull the pipe through the reamed hole with the end of the pipe closed to <br /> the bore hole . Pull pipe back in one continuous operation to avoid closure of <br /> the bore hole . <br /> 3 . 04 DELIVERY , TEMPORARY STORAGE , AND HANDLING OF PIPE AT SITE <br /> A . Delivery , temporary storage , and handling of the pipe shall be in strict <br /> accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer . <br /> B . Before installation , check pipe and fittings for cuts , gouges in excess of 10 % of <br /> the wall thickness , buckling , kinking , or splitting . Remove any pipe section <br /> TECHNICAL PROVISIONS <br /> TP - 17 <br /> FAPublic Works\Capital Projects\Oslo Road Lateral J\BID DOCUMENTS\DIVISION 2 - Technical Provisions . doc <br />