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containing defects by cutting out the damaged section in a complete <br /> cylinder . <br /> 3 . 05 PIPE FUSION <br /> Join entire length of pipe to be pulled through bore prior to commencement of <br /> pullback operation . If not feasible because of the length of the bore and the <br /> size of the staging area , each pipe section or sections may be fused or <br /> welded to the previous section during the pull back . Support weight of joined <br /> pipe suspended on rollers to minimize pulling forces . <br /> 3 . 06 QUALIFICATION OF FUSION OPERATORS <br /> A . Each operator performing fusion joining pipe shall be qualified in the use of the <br /> manufacturer' s recommended fusion procedure (s) by appropriate training or <br /> experience in the use of the fusion procedure , and making a sample joint <br /> according to the procedure that passes the following inspections and tests : <br /> 1 . The joint shall be visually examined during and after joining and found to <br /> have the same appearance as a photograph or sample of an <br /> acceptable joint that was joined in accordance with the procedure . <br /> 2 . The joint shall be tested or examined by one of the following methods : <br /> a . Pressure and tensile test as described in 49 CFR 192 . 283 <br /> b . Ultransonic inspection and found to be free of flaws that would <br /> cause failure <br /> c . Cut into at least three longitudinal straps , each of which is : <br /> i . Visually examined and found to be free of voids or unbonded <br /> areas on the cut surface of the joint <br /> ii . Deformed by bending , torque , or impact and if failure <br /> occurs , it must not initiate in the joint area . <br /> 3 . 07 PRESSURE TESTING <br /> A . Prior to pulling the HDPE pipe through the directional bore hole , the pipe shall <br /> be pressurized at 150 psi for two hours and visually inspected for any <br /> leakage . The pipe must be fully restrained and shall be allowed to equalize <br /> to a common temperature prior to pressure testing . <br /> B . Refer to Section 02670 for the testing procedure required after completion of the <br /> HDD installation of the HDPE pipe . <br /> 3 . 08 INSTALLATION <br /> The pipe shall follow the line and grade shown in the drawings . The pipe <br /> exit location shall be at the design location shown on the drawings <br /> with a tolerance of ±3 feet on line and a tolerance of ±3 feet on <br /> grade . <br /> TECHNICAL PROVISIONS <br /> TP- 18 <br /> FAPublic Works\Capital Projects\Oslo Road Lateral J\BID DOCUMENTS\DIVISION 2 - Technical Provisions . doc <br />