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1 . Water main piping and valves . <br /> B . Conform to AWWA Standards and as modified herein . <br /> C . Maintain disinfectant for a minimum of 8 hours in such a manner that the <br /> entire system will be filled with water containing a minimum chlorine <br /> concentration of 50 ppm at any point . <br /> D . After the disinfecting agents have been permitted to remain for the specified <br /> contact periods , the water lines , and valves shall be thoroughly flushed with <br /> water until the residual chlorine tests are less than 2 PPM in each instance . <br /> The determination of the amount of residual chlorine in the system shall be <br /> made at such points and in accord with standard tests by means of a <br /> standard orthotolodine test set . <br /> 3 . 04 BACTERIOLOGICAL SAMPLING <br /> A . It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor under this contract to perform the <br /> bacteriological testing required by the Florida Department of Environmental <br /> Protection and Indian River County to obtain clearance of the water main <br /> piping . The Contractor shall be responsible to disinfect and repeat testing <br /> as needed until clearance is obtained for all required plant systems . The <br /> Contractor shall be responsible to pay for additional water needed if the <br /> bacteriological testing must be repeated for the clearance of the ground <br /> storage tank . <br /> B . The piping systems require two ( 2 ) consecutive daily samples taken from the <br /> locations called out on the plans or as determined by the Engineer . The <br /> samples shall be taken at all the respective sample point locations . <br /> , C . Sampling must be coordinated with Engineer and other construction activities <br /> so as to minimize re -sampling . <br /> D . Contractor shall submit schedule for bacteriological testing and pressure tests . <br /> E . The Contractor shall incur all costs needed to provide bacteriological <br /> clearance of the piping systems . <br /> 3 . 11 QUALITY CONTROL <br /> A . The laboratory and personnel collecting bacteriological samples shall be <br /> Florida State certified in accordance with FDEP requirements . <br /> + + END OF SECTION + + <br /> TECHNICAL PROVISIONS <br /> TP -23 <br /> FAPublic Works\Capital Projects\Oslo Road Lateral ABID DOCUMENTS\DIVISION 2 - Technical Provisions . doc <br />