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" EXHIBIT A " <br /> CONDITIONS FOR ISSUANCE OF PERMIT NUMBER 400- 061 -97622- 1 <br /> INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br /> DATED MARCH 23 , 2005 <br /> 1 . The terms , conditions , requirements , limitations , and restrictions set forth in this section are <br /> general permit conditions and are binding upon the permittee for all noticed general permits <br /> in this chapter . These conditions are enforceable under part 1V of chapter 373 , F . S . <br /> 2 , The general permit is valid only for the specific activity indicated , Any deviation from the <br /> specified activity and the conditions for undertaking that activity shall constitute a violation of <br /> the permit . A violation of the permit is a violation of part IV of chapter 373 , F . S . , and may <br /> result in suspension or revocation of the permittee 's right to conduct such activity under the <br /> general permit . The District may also begin legal proceedings seeking penalties or other <br /> remedies as provided by law for any violation of these conditions . <br /> 3 . This general permit does not eliminate the necessity to obtain any required federal , state , <br /> local and special district authorizations prior to the start of any construction , alteration , <br /> operation , maintenance , removal or abandonment authorized by this permit. <br /> 4 . This general permit does not convey to the permittee or create in the permittee any property <br /> ,. right , or any interest in real property , nor does it authorize any entrance upon or activities on <br /> property which is not owned or controlled by the permittee , or convey any rights or privileges <br /> other than those specified in the general permit and this chapter . <br /> 5 . This general permit does not relieve the permittee from liability and penalties when the <br /> permitted activity causes harm or injury to : human health or welfare ; animal , plant or aquatic <br /> life ; or property . It does not allow the permittee to cause pollution in contravention of Florida <br /> Statutes and District rules . <br /> 6 . The authorization to conduct activities pursuant to a general permit may be modified , <br /> suspended or revoked in accordance with chapter 120 , and section 373 . 429 , F . S . <br /> 7 . This permit shall not be transferred to a third party except pursuant to section 40C -4 . 351 , <br /> F . A . C . The permittee transferring the general permit shall remain liable for any corrective <br /> actions that may be required as a result of any permit violations prior to sale , conveyance , or <br /> other transfer of ownership or control of the permitted system or the real property at which <br /> the permitted system is located . <br /> 8 . Upon reasonable notice to the permittee , District staff with proper identification shall have <br /> permission to enter, inspect , sample and test the permitted system to insure conformity <br /> w <br /> with the plans and specifications approved by the permit . <br /> 9 . The permittee shall maintain any permitted system in accordance with the plans submitted <br /> to the District and authorized by this general permit . <br /> 10 . A permittee 's right to conduct a specific noticed activity under this noticed general permit is <br /> authorized for a duration of five years . <br /> 11 . Construction , alteration , operation , maintenance , removal and abandonment approved by <br /> this general permit shall be conducted in a manner which does not cause violations of state <br /> water quality standards , including any antidegradation provisions of sections 62 - 4 . 242 ( I ) ( a ) <br /> and ( b ) , 62 -4 . 242 (2 ) and ( 3) , and 62 - 302 . 300 , F . A . C . , and any special standards for <br /> Outstanding Florida Waters and Outstanding National Resource Waters . The perrmittee <br /> shall implement best management practices for erosion , turbidity , and other pollution control <br /> to prevent violation of state water quality standards . Temporary erosion control measures <br />