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such as sodding , mulching , and seeding shall be implemented and shall be maintained on <br /> all erodible <br /> ground areas prior to and during construction . Permanent erosion control measures such <br /> as sodding and planting of wetland species shall be completed within seven days of any <br /> construction activity . Turbidity barriers shall be installed and maintained at all locations <br /> where the possibility of transferring suspended solids into wetlands or other surface waters <br /> exists due to the permitted activity . Turbidity barriers shall remain in place and shall be <br /> maintained in a functional condition at all locations until construction is completed and soils <br /> - are stabilized and vegetation has been established . Thereafter , the permittee shall be <br /> responsible for the removal of the barriers . The permittee shall correct any erosion or <br /> shoaling that causes adverse impacts to <br /> the water resources . <br /> 12 . The permittee shall hold and save the District harmless from any and all damages , claims , <br /> or liabilities which may arise by reason of the construction , alteration , operation , <br /> maintenance , removal , abandonment or use of any system authorized by the general <br /> permit . <br /> 13 . The permittee shall immediately notify the District in writing of any previously submitted <br /> information that is later discovered to be inaccurate . <br /> 14 . In addition to compliance with the notice provisions of section 40C -400 . 211 , F . A . C . , within <br /> 90 days following completion of construction , the permittee will notify by letter the <br /> appropriate District office of the date construction activities were completed . <br /> 15 . No dredging of access or work channels are authorized by this general permit . <br /> 16 . Temporary fill roads shall not be constructed waterward of mean high water or ordinary high <br /> . water . <br /> 17 . All fill placed in wetlands , other than fill on which a bridge or approach described in <br /> paragraph ( 1 ) (a ) is constructed , shall be regraded to the original wetland elevations and <br /> these filled wetland areas revegetated with native wetland species endemic to adjoining , <br /> undisturbed wetlands , within seven days of completion of construction . Within " clear zones " , <br /> as described in Chapter 3 , Roadside Design Manual by American Association of State <br /> Highway and Transportation Officials dated October 1988 , hereby incorporated by <br /> reference , revegetation shall be with herbaceous species endemic to adjoining , undisturbed <br /> wetlands _ These replanted wetland areas shall be maintained , and planted as necessary , to <br /> ensure that satisfactory revegetation occurs . For the purposes of this general permit , <br /> " satisfactory revegetation " means that the herbaceous wetlands , and forested wetlands <br /> within clear zones , that are disturbed by fill shall have achieved not less than 33 percent <br /> cover of planted or naturally reestablished herbaceous wetland species within 18 months of <br /> completion of construction , and forested wetlands , other than forested wetlands in clear <br /> zones , that are disturbed by fill shall achieve a survival rate of not less than 400 wetland <br /> trees per acre within 18 months of completion of construction . A maintenance plan must be <br /> developed and implemented to ensure the survival of the planted or naturally reestablishing <br /> wetland species . Within the revegetated wetland areas , non - native vegetation must be <br /> controlled such that it does not constitute more than 10 percent of the areal cover in any <br /> stratum at any time for the five year period following the initial planting or restoration of the <br /> site . <br /> 18 . Hydraulic openings of bridges constructed under paragraph ( 1 ) ( a ) above shall be sufficient <br /> to prevent downstream scour , increased downstream water velocities , and increased <br /> backwater elevations . <br />