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19 . Minimum horizontal and vertical navigational clearances on bridges over navigable waters of <br /> the United States shall be established in accordance with procedures outlined in the U . S . <br /> Coast Guard Bridge Administration Manual , COMDTINST M16590 . 5 , May 7 , 1982 . <br /> 20 . Horizontal and vertical clearances for replacement bridge structures shall meet or exceed <br /> those of the bridge being replaced . <br /> 21 . Temporary erosion controls for all exposed soils within wetlands and other surface waters <br /> shall be completed within seven calendar days of the most recent construction activity . <br /> 22 . The fill areas and the banks of the water body shall be stabilized with vegetation or riprap <br /> within seven days following completion of slope construction . This stabilization is <br /> considered a construction priority and completed fill slopes in wetlands and other surface <br /> waters shall not remain unstabilized while other construction continues . <br /> 23 . This general permit does not authorize the use of dredged material for roadway <br /> construction . <br /> 24 . The permittee shall use erosion and sediment control best management practices , including <br /> turbidity curtains or similar devices , in strict adherence to these practices as described in <br /> Chapter 6 , The Florida Land Development Manual : A Guide to Sound Land and Water <br /> Management ( Florida Department of Environmental Regulation , 1988 ) , hereby incorporated <br /> by reference , to prevent violations of state water quality standards . <br /> 25 . This general permit authorizes dredging and filling for the replacement or modification of a <br /> bridge and approaches for a specific crossing of a wetland or other surface water . Any <br /> connecting road expansion or alteration associated with such replacement or modification <br /> must be authorized by a separate general or individual permit under chapter 40C -4 , 40C -40 , <br /> 40C -42 or 40C - 400 , F . A . C . , as applicable , before the start of construction . <br /> 26 . This general permit does not authorize replacement or modification of bridges or <br /> - . approaches , which involve the construction of additional traffic lanes . <br /> 27 . This permit for construction will expire five years from the date of issuance . <br /> 28 . All wetland areas or water bodies that are outside the specific limits of construction <br /> authorized by this permit must be protected from erosion , siltation , scouring or excess <br /> turbidity , and dewatering . <br /> 29 . Prior to construction , the permittee must clearly designate the limits of construction on -site . <br /> The permittee must advise the contractor that any work outside the limits of construction , <br /> including clearing , may be a violation of this permit . <br /> The project must be constructed and operated in accordance with the plans and information <br /> received by the District on February 21 , 2005 . <br />