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5 . allow for partial utilization of the Work by OWNER ; <br /> 6 . include testing and startup ; and <br /> 7 . be maintained in effect until final payment is made unless otherwise agreed to in <br /> writing by OWNER , CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER with 30 days written notice to <br /> each other additional insured to whom a certificate of insurance has been issued . <br /> B . CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for any deductible or self- insured retention . <br /> C . The policies of insurance required to be purchased and maintained by CONTRACTOR <br /> in accordance with this paragraph SC-5 . 06 shall comply with the requirements of <br /> paragraph 5 . 06 . 0 of the General Conditions . <br /> SC-5 . 06 . E Delete paragraph GC-5. 06. E in its entirety and insert the following in its place: <br /> E . Additional Insureds : <br /> 1 . In addition to " Indian River County , a political subdivision of the state of Florida , " <br /> the following individuals or entities shall be listed as "additional insureds" on the <br /> CONTRACTOR ' s property insurance policies : <br /> a . Indian River County , Florida <br /> SC-5 . 07 Waiver of Rights <br /> SC-5 . 07 Delete GC-5. 07 (paragraphs A, 8, and C) in its entirety. <br /> SC-5 . 08 Receipt and Application of Insurance Proceeds <br /> SC-5 . 08 Delete GC-5. 08 (paragraphs A and 8) in its entirety. <br /> SC-6 . 02 Labor ; Working Hours <br /> SC- 6 . 02 . 13 . Add the following paragraphs immediately after paragraph GC- 6. 02. 8: <br /> 1 . Regular working hours are defined as Monday through Friday , excluding Indian <br /> River County Holidays , from 7 a . m . to 5 p . m . <br /> 2 . Indian River County Holidays are : New Year' s Day , Good Friday , Memorial Day , <br /> Independence Day , Labor Day , Veterans Day , Thanksgiving Day , Friday after <br /> Thanksgiving , Christmas Eve and Christmas Day . Working on these days will <br /> not be permitted without prior written permission and approval from the Engineer. <br /> 3 . The CONTRACTOR shall receive no additional compensation for overtime work , <br /> i . e . , work in excess of eight hours in any one calendar day or 40 hours in any one <br /> calendar week , even though such overtime work may be required under <br /> emergency conditions and may be ordered by the ENGINEER in writing . <br /> 4 . All costs of inspection and testing performed during overtime work by the <br /> CONTRACTOR , which is allowed solely for the convenience of the <br /> CONTRACTOR , shall be borne by the CONTRACTOR , and a credit given to the <br /> OWNER to deduct the costs of all such inspection and testing from any <br /> payments otherwise due the CONTRACTOR . <br /> 5 . All costs of OWNER Is employees and costs of ENGINEER ' s Consultant resulting <br /> from overtime work by the CONTRACTOR , which is allowed solely for the <br /> convenience of the CONTRACTOR , shall be borne by the CONTRACTOR , and a <br /> credit given to OWNER to deduct all such costs from any payments otherwise <br /> due the CONTRACTOR . <br /> 00800 - Supplementary Conditions 2006041 <br /> 008008 <br /> FAPublic Works\Capital Projects\Oslo Road Lateral J\BID DOCUMENTS 2006041 \00800 - Supplementary Conditions 2006041 .doc Rev. 05/01 <br />