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6 . No work shall commence before 7 a . m . or continue after 7 p . m . except in case of <br /> emergency upon specific permission of the ENGINEER . <br /> SC-6 . 05 Substitutes and " Or- Equals " <br /> SC- 6 . 05 . A Delete paragraph GC-6. 05. A in its entirety and insert the following in its place: <br /> A . Whenever an item of material or equipment is specified or described in the Con - <br /> tract Documents by using the name of a proprietary item or the name of a <br /> particular Supplier, that proprietary item or particular Supplier shall be used and no <br /> other will be considered . If the specification or description contains or is followed <br /> by words such as "equivalent" or "or- equal , " then the specification or description is <br /> intended to establish the type , function , appearance , and quality required . In such <br /> case , substitution of other items of material or equipment or material or equipment <br /> of other Suppliers may be submitted to ENGINEER for review under the circum- <br /> stances described below . <br /> SC- 6 . 05 . A . 1 . a . ( ii ) Delete sentence GC-6. 05, A . 1 . a . (ii) in its entirety and insert the following in <br /> its place: <br /> ( ii ) it will reliably perform at least equally well the function of the named item of <br /> material or equipment, and ; <br /> SC-6 . 06 Concerning Subcontractors , Suppliers , and Others <br /> SC-6 . 06 . C . Add the following sentence at the end of paragraph GC-6. 06. C: <br /> OWNER or ENGINEER may furnish to any such Subcontractor , Supplier , or other individual or <br /> entity , to the extent practicable , information about amounts paid to CONTRACTOR on <br /> w account of Work performed for CONTRACTOR by a particular Subcontractor , Supplier, or <br /> other individual or entity. <br /> SC- 6 . 08 Permits <br /> SC- 6 . 08 Add the following paragraphs immediately after paragraph GC- 6. 08. A : <br /> B . The OWNER has obtained the following permits ( copies of these permits are <br /> contained in Appendix "A" ) : <br /> 1 . St . Johns River Water Management District <br /> PERMIT NO . 400-061 - 97622 - 1 <br /> 2 . Indian River Farms Water Control District <br /> PERMIT NO . 05 - 81 <br /> C . The CONTRACTOR shall obtain and pay for all other required permits and <br /> licenses . The CONTRACTOR shall provide copies of the permits to the <br /> OWNER and ENGINEER and shall comply with all conditions contained in <br /> the permits at no extra cost to the OWNER . <br /> D . The CONTRACTOR shall be familiar with all permit requirements and shall be <br /> responsible for complying with these requirements . The cost of this effort shall <br /> be included in the pay item in which the work is most closely associated with . <br /> 00800 - Supplementary Conditions 2006041 <br /> d, <br /> 008009 <br /> FAPublic Works\Capital Projects\Oslo Road Lateral J\BID DOCUMENTS 2006041 \00800 - Supplementary Conditions 2006041 .doc Rev. 05/01 <br />