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SC-6 . 17 Shop Drawings and Samples <br /> SC - 6 . 17 Add the following paragraph immediately after paragraph GC- 6. 17. F.- <br /> G . <br /> .G . Section 01340 — "Submittal of Shop Drawings , Product Data , and Samples" <br /> shall <br /> supplement Section 6 . 17 of the General Conditions . In the event of a conflict , <br /> Section 01340 shall govern . <br /> SC- 6 . 20 Indemnification <br /> SC- 6 . 20 Delete paragraph GC-6. 20. A in its entirety and insert the following in its place: <br /> A . CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the OWNER , together <br /> with its agents , employees , elected officers and representatives , from liabilities , <br /> damages , losses , and costs , including but not limited to , reasonable attorney's fees , <br /> to the extent caused by the negligence , recklessness or intentionally wrongful <br /> conduct of the CONTRACTOR and persons employed or utilized by the <br /> CONTRACTOR in the performance of this Work under this Agreement . This <br /> indemnification and hold harmless provision shall survive the termination or <br /> expiration of this Agreement . <br /> SC-8 . 02 Replacement of Engineer <br /> SC- 8 . 02 Delete the following text from paragraph GC-8. 02. A : <br /> to whem CONTRACTOR makes no reasenable ebjeGt * GR , <br /> SC-9 . 09 Decisions on Requirements of Contract Documents and Acceptability of <br /> Work <br /> SC-9 . 09 Delete paragraph GC-9. 09. 6 in its entirety. <br /> SC- 12 . 01 Change of Contract Price <br /> SC - 12 . 01 . 6 . 2 Delete the following text from paragraph GC- 12. 01 . 8. 2 and add a "period" (. ) at <br /> the end of the remaining text. : <br /> with paFagraph 12 . 01 . G .-2 <br /> SC- 12 . 01 Delete paragraphs GC- 12. 01 . 8. 3 and GC- 12. 01 . 0 in their entirety. <br /> SC- 12 . 06 Delay Damages <br /> SC - 12 . 06 Delete paragraphs GC- 12. 06. A and GC- 12. 06. 8 in their entirety and insert the <br /> following paragraph in their place: <br /> A . In no event shall OWNER or ENGINEER be liable to CONTRACTOR , any <br /> Subcontractor, any Supplier , or any other person or organization , or to any surety <br /> for or employee or agent of any of them , for damages arising out of or resulting <br /> from any delay whatsoever . The CONTRACTOR 's sole and exclusive remedy for <br /> delays to the project are time extensions . <br /> SC- 13 . 03 Test and Inspections <br /> 00800 - Supplementary Conditions 2006041 <br /> 00800 10 <br /> FAPublic Works\Capital Projects\Oslo Road Lateral J\BID DOCUMENTS 2006041 \00800 - Supplementary Conditions 2006041 . doc Rev. 05/01 <br />