<br />County Surveyor:
<br />Guilford. D. Young.
<br />A petition having been presented to the Board signed by more than 25 qualified
<br />electors of the County asking that the name of John H. Sutherland be placed on the ballot
<br />at the November election as a candidate for Sheriff. The Board duly considered said
<br />petition and it appearing that the Democratic party has nominated a candidate for the
<br />office of cfteriff to be voted on at said election, Mr. Sutherland was called before the
<br />,Board and asked to furnish satisfactory evidence to the Board that he had not partici-
<br />gated in the affairs of the Democratic party at the primary election held in Indian River
<br />County in June 19289 thereupon Mr. Sutherland stated that he could not furnish such
<br />evidence in that he had voted in said primary in said County, Whereupon upon motion of
<br />3Commissioner Geo. A. Braddock, seconded by Commissioner J.J.P.Hamilton, and oarried, the
<br />;Board declined to grant the request of said petition and declined to place Mr.Sutherland'l
<br />name upon the ballot to be voted upon at the November 1928 election. Such motion was
<br />unanimously carried by vote of the Board.
<br />It was ordered that the Clerk direct a letter to Mrs Sybil G. Hearne that the matter
<br />of pay of expenses in connection with attending needy persons, during the absence of the ,
<br />County Furse, is a matter between her and Miss Bunkley 9 County Nurse, and that Mi as
<br />Bunkley will take the question, up with her.
<br />A list of Confederate pensioners in this County having been received from: the State
<br />I1Pension Board the same was checks over found t be correct and in order and no
<br />� a am d and 0 n ,
<br />person is receiving a pension in this County who, in the judgment of the Board, is not
<br />a
<br />entitled to receive the same.
<br />In compliance with law, the Board proceeded to select and name the Inspectors and
<br />9 Clerk of the various voting precincts of the County for the purpose of conducting the
<br />General Election to be held Tuesday, November 6th 1928, as follows:
<br />Precinct No. 1 (Roseland)
<br />Eugene Hammond; James F. Morrison and Dempsey Cain Inspectors and.. Ruffner, Clerk.
<br />! Precinct No. 2,Sebastian)
<br />Albert Schumann; V. A. Martin; G. H. Braddock, Inspectors and T. C. Edwards, Clerk.
<br />Precinct No.3 (Wabasso)
<br />L. B. Osteen; E. C. Dancy; Geo. Sears, Inspectors and T. L. Iaisher, Clerk,
<br />Precinct No. 4 (Winter Beach)
<br />S. R. Hamilton; G. A. McJunkin; S. D. Dickey, Inspectors and T. T. McCuliers, Clerk.
<br />Precinct No. 5 (North Vero Beach)
<br />C. W. Damson; Nellie Babb; Miles NcNece, Inspectors and B. H. Phillips, Clerk.
<br />Precinct No. 6-A (South Vero Beach)
<br />T. B. Shafer; Herbert Guy; T.H.Sullivan, Inspectors, and Cecil R.Arnold, Clerk.
<br />Precinct No.6 B (South Vero Beach)
<br />G. C. Bartlett; Fred E. King; Oscar DuBose, Inspectors and Freeman L. might, Clerk.
<br />Precinct No. 7 -(Oslo)
<br />V. A. Martin; John Blanton and A. E. Sueverkrtae'kbe, Inspectors and Perry Helseth,Clerk.
<br />Precinct No. 8 (Fellsmere)
<br />C. E. Nourse; I. J, Anderson; Geo. Hughes, Inspectors, and J. J. Bustin, Clerk.
<br />The Tax assessor having completed the tax roll for the year 1928, and having the
<br />sane before the Commissioners, together with two copies thereof, as provided by law, and
<br />the same having been examined and approved by the Board, the following Tarrant to the
<br />Tax Collector was annexed to the said tax roll, to -wit: -
<br />To Gordon R. Olmstead,
<br />Tax Collector of the County of Indian River.
<br />You are hereby commanded to collect out of the real and personal property and from
<br />each of the persons and corporations named in the annexed roll, the taxes set down in
<br />roll, opposite each name, corporation or parcel of land therein described, and in case
<br />�' taxes so imposed are not paid, at the time prescribed, by law, you are to collect the
<br />