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Mr. Cavenell of Vero Park Subdivision and Mrs. Bill Moody, from <br />the same vicinity, appeared before the Board with complaints on the drain- <br />age problems. The County Engineer advised them that he would check the <br />situtLon to see if he might be able to give them some relief. <br />Henry Horton of Rockridge appeared before the Board and pre- <br />sented a petition to have sixth avenue paved from the North and South <br />limits of Rockridge to State Road 60. He was advised that this is part <br />of the planned road program and would be done as soon as possible. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner <br />Haffield and unanimously carried, that the recommendation of the Zonig <br />Board to change the zoning on Mr. Walter Graves property from RI Residential <br />to Cl -A Restricted Commercial on the South 200 Feet of the East 20 Acres <br />of Tract 16, Section 15, Township 33 South. Range 39 East, be tentatively <br />approved and advertised for public hearing. <br />Bill Taylor appeared before the Board to discuss plans for the <br />new Health Center, After hearing from Mr. Taylor, Motion was made by <br />Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner McCullers.and unanimously <br />carried, that the following Resolution be adlopted. <br />RESOLUTION <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian <br />River County, Florida, that William G. Taylor be retained as architect <br />for the Indian River County Health Building and that the Chairman and <br />the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners be authorized to enter <br />into proper contract of employment. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Waddell, Seconded by Commissioner <br />McCullers;and unanimously carried, to change the time of re -organizing <br />the Board from the first meeting in January to the first meeting in <br />October. <br />Commissioner Graves, Chairman, asked the County Attorney to <br />preside for the purpose of reorganizing for the ensuing year. <br />