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Mr. Arthur Albrecht, representing a delegation from Royal <br />Poinciana Park, appeared before the Board also with the compaint on <br />drainage problems arising from the recent heavy rains. After some dis- <br />cussion, Commissioner Macdonald suggested that the Association repre- <br />sented by Mr. Albrecht get the necessary easement from the property <br />owners so that we might instruct the County Engineer to dig a ditch to <br />see if this might not be the answer to the drainage problem. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner McCullers, seconded by <br />Commissioner Waddell and unanimously carried, that the following Reso- <br />lution be adopted. <br />RESOLUTION <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to law, an election is to be held in <br />Special Tax School District No. 1, of Indian River County, Florida, on <br />November 5, 1963; and, <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Public Instruction of Indian River <br />County, Florida, has heretofore adopted a Resolution calling said election; <br />and, <br />WHEREAS, the School Code of the State of Florida provides <br />that the Board of Public Instruction shall designate the number of inspec- <br />tion boards for each precinct and appoint the inspection boards, and the <br />General Election Laws of the State of Florida provide that the number of <br />inspection boards for each precinct and the inspection boards shall be <br />determined by the Board of County Commissioners; and, <br />WHEREAS, The Board of Public Instruction of Indian River <br />County, Florida, in special meeting on October 1, 1963, has, by Resolution, <br />determined the number of inspection boards necessary for each precinct, <br />and has appointed the personnel of the inspection boards; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners <br />of Indian River County, Florida, that this Board does hereby <br />ratify, approve and confirm the number of inspection boards for each <br />precinct and the personnel of the inspection boards heretofore determined <br />and appointed by the Board of Public Instruction of Indian River County, <br />