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and the same appeal to the Indian River Bar Association requesting <br />their cooperation in pointing out to their clients the possible <br />problems involved when buying property in unplated subdivisions, which <br />is that the County assume no maintenance on the access roads and assume <br />no responsibility for the drainage of these subdivisions. <br />The County Engineer requested permission to advertise for <br />radio antenna. After some discussion, the request was tabled. <br />The County Engineer reported that he had- reached an agreement <br />with Mrs. O'Steen for right of way on Church Street in Habeas() and <br />also there was one more parcel that he did not have to complete the <br />project. It was suggested that before any action be taken that he <br />get an appraisal on both of the properties. <br />Bill Taylor, Architect for Indian River County Health Center, <br />appeared before the Board and presented rough sketches of the new <br />health center. He stated that the reason things were moving so slowly <br />was because the application for funds had not been approved, but <br />should be approved this month. <br />. The County Engineer reported that he had had a request from <br />the Rockridge organization to set a speed limit on certain streets <br />in Rockridge. After some discussion, Motion was -made by Cbsmissioner <br />Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Macdonald and unanimoudly carried,. <br />that a 35 mile an hour speed limit be set on 17th Street from U. S. 1 <br />to 3rd Court, on 6th Avenue from 14th Street to 18th Street and on <br />Rockridge Blvd. from U. S. 1 to 3rd Avenue. <br />