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Indian River County Administration Complex <br /> Bldg. 2 — 1 st Floor Punch List - Friday - 06/29/07 <br /> July 09, 2007 <br /> Page 4 <br /> Tax Collector Area (continued) <br /> 5 . Coral cast column to the right of the side light at Door 201 , coral cast base where it abuts the drywall is very <br /> irregular, unacceptable. That is also typical at the head, capital, of the coral cast column on the right and left <br /> sides. <br /> 6. Electrical outlet to the right of the coral cast column and also Door 201 cover plate missing. Also, in this <br /> same area of the Johnson control box needs to be set plumb and level to the wall and cleaned of paint. <br /> 7. Need to make sure that the coral cast columns are caulked where they abut the ceramic tile floors and the <br /> drywall. <br /> 8. All window sills on the south wall need to be cleaned of paint at the underside and the edges. <br /> 9. Hollow metal strorefront windows on the south wall need to be cleaned of paint and caulking in numerous <br /> areas. Also, drywall jambs need to be painted in locations where there are insufficient coats of paint and also <br /> the outside edges of the drywall jambs where they have been chipped in side window locations. <br /> 10. South wall to the left of Door 201B outlet box is exposed. <br /> 11 . Fire Extinguisher to the right of Door 201B needs to be caulked to the wall and the protective covering <br /> removed. <br /> 12. Electrical outlet to the right of Door 201B needs to be cleaned of paint. <br /> 13 . Ceramic tile floor needs to be cleaned of paint, dirt and debris throughout the whole floor area. Numerous <br /> areas have white and gray paint throughout out on different riles . <br /> 14. Coral cast column to the left of Door 201 needs to be cleaned of drywall dust, dirt and debris . <br /> 15 . Quad outlet to the left of the coral cast column needs cover plate installed. <br /> 16. Duplex electrical outlet to the right of the data outlet 45/46 needs paint removed from the electrical device. <br /> 17 . Door 203A — Hollow metal frame on the outside needs to be touched-up with paint. <br /> I & To the right of Door 202A right hand side corner paint needs to be cut in properly. At this location there is <br /> two paint colors and they overlap in the inside comer. <br /> 19 . Door frame 202A left side needs to be cleaned of paint. <br /> 20. East and wall between Door 202A and to the left towards the Reception Area needs to be touched-up with <br /> paint that is on the east and south side fingerprints, dirt, etc. <br /> 21 . Drywall header over the Tax Collector Reception counter running the complete length of this space, outside <br /> edge where the vertical face meets the ceiling horizontal, paint cut in is very irregular and not acceptable. <br /> Also, chips on the edges need to be patched and repainted. <br /> 22. Drywall ceiling at the westernmost coral cast column, between Reception Area 201 and Open Office Area <br /> 202 directly in front of the drive thru window, pencil marks on the ceiling need to be cleaned. Also, to the <br /> east of this same coral cast column in the drive thm area drywall opening cut too large around the can light, <br /> needs to be patched and repaired. <br /> 23 . Drop ceiling over the Reception counter to the west of door 201 numerous can lights drywall opening cut too <br /> large, needs to be patched and repaired starting on the east end of 2nd and 41Il can lights . <br /> 24. Drop ceiling over the Tax Collector Reception area A/C grilles fingerprints on the drywall need to be cleaned <br /> and repainted . <br /> Reception Area 201 <br /> 1 . Acoustical ceiling tiles that cover about 10% are missing, not in place. <br /> 2. Ceiling grid above Door 202A finish is damaged on the grid. <br /> 3 . Ceiling grid to the right of Door 202A next to the coral cast column uneven , needs to be corrected, not setting <br /> flush. <br /> 4. Light fixture along the south exterior wall the easternmost light fixture prismatic lens is dented. Also going to <br /> the west the 3rd light fixture off the Atrium wall prismatic lens is dented. <br /> 5 . Ceiling grid along the face of the drop header needs to be cleaned of accent color paint. <br /> D O N A D I O <br /> & Associates, Architects, P.A . <br />