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OUTSIDE AGENCY FUNDING POLICY <br /> B . State Agency Funding Levels <br /> 1 , Any Florida Statutes or agreements with State Agencies that address funding levels will <br /> govern this area . <br /> 2 . In the absence of governing statutes or agreements , the County Administrator will <br /> determine a recommended funding level for each State Agency. Increases in allocation <br /> may be on the same basis as provided for nonprofit agencies or on another basis . <br /> v. Tourist Development Agencies <br /> In 1987 , Indian River County began levying the Tourist Development Tax in accordance with Section <br /> 125 . 0104 , Florida Statutes . Out of the four (4) cents of tourist tax levied within the County, 1 - 1 /2 cents is <br /> awarded to agencies that promote and advertise tourism in Indian River County nationally and <br /> internationally. This policy provides guidelines for funding agencies with Tourist Development Tax . <br /> Florida Statutes provide certain requirements for the use of these taxes . This docum nt outlines other <br /> policies not addressed in the Statutes (Section 125 . 0104) . In the event of a conflict between the Florida <br /> Statutes and this policy , the Florida Statutes will govern . <br /> A. Tourist Development Agency Application for Funding <br /> 1 . In early March of each year, the Budget Office sends out application packets for the <br /> upcoming budget year. These packets are sent out to all tourist devel pment agencies <br /> that received funding in the current year, requested funding for the current year, or inquired <br /> about funding any time during the last twelve months . <br /> 2 . Completed application packets and all additional documentation must be submitted to the <br /> Budget Office by May 15r in order to be considered for funding in the upcoming budget. <br /> 3 . The application packets can be seen in Attachments A and C to this document . The <br /> application includes a description of the countywide purpose for the funds requested , a <br /> listing of the organization ' s board of directors , salary information , and various financial <br /> forms . <br /> 4 . Certain documentation is required from each agency in addition to the application packet <br /> as shown below. <br /> a . The agency' s latest tax return ( Form 990) <br /> b . Copy of the Letter of Determination of the agency' s nonprof t status (section <br /> 501 (c) (3) including Federal Identification Number. <br /> C . A statement of agency revenues and expenses for the most recent fiscal year. <br /> d . A balance sheet showing the assets , liabilities , and fund balances of the agency. <br /> e . Copy of the letter from the State of Florida verifying that the agency has complied <br /> with the registration requirements of Chapter496 , Florida Statutes, the Solicitations <br /> of Contributions Act . <br /> Approved 2/ 19/02 <br /> Page 7 <br />