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ATTACHMENT 1 <br /> INDIAN RIVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF UTILITY SERVICES <br /> NORTH AND SOUTH WATER TREATMENT FACILITIES <br /> OFF-SITE WELL INSTALLATIONS <br /> SCOPE OF SERVICES (Continued) <br /> Task 1 . 7 - Respond to Request for Additional Information <br /> It is anticipated that one request for additional information (RAI) will be received from the <br /> SJRWMD . The County and PBS &J will jointly prepare the response to this RAI. Substantial efforts <br /> requiring acquisition of data not readily available or major modification to the groundwater flow <br /> model would be provided under separate authorization . <br /> Task 1 .8 - Meet with Water Management District to Finalize RAI <br /> This task provides a meeting between PBS&J and the SJRWMD to review response to the RAI prior <br /> to submittal . The purpose of this meeting is to solicit staff approval and support prior to permit going <br /> before the Governing Board . <br /> Task 2 — Well Design and Drilling <br /> Task 2 . 1 — Well Design <br /> PBS&J will review existing hydrogeologic data and the well construction details of the permitted <br /> supply wells at the North and South wellfields in support of the well design to estimate borehole <br /> diameters, casing depths , open hole interval , well construction methods and materials, and formations <br /> encountered (production zones) . Information obtained will be used to complete the design of the four <br /> supply wells and seek concurrence from the SJRWMD on the proposed well design . <br /> A set of technical specifications will be prepared which will incorporate information on the well <br /> designs . The specifications will address the materials to be used, estimate quantities , general drilling <br /> method, reporting requirements , and hydrogeologic testing program to be completed during <br /> construction of the four supply wells . Specifications will be prepared in a suitable format for <br /> solicitation of bids from qualified contractors . A draft copy of the technical specifications and Bid <br /> Tabulation sheet will be provided to the County for review and comment . PBS&J will provide to the <br /> County, one final hard copy and one electronic copy, in Microsoft Word and Excel . The County will <br /> provide front-end documents to complete the bid package . <br /> Task 2 . 2 — Bidding Assistance <br /> The County will assemble , print and distribute bid sets . PBS &J will provide an estimate of the <br /> probable cost of well construction and will assist the County in the selection of the best-qualified <br /> contractor. PBS &J will attend one pre-bid meeting and provide answers to technical questions posed_ <br /> Up to one Addendum will be prepared . PBS &J will review bid submittals for completeness and <br /> compliance with the bidding instructions and contract requirements and will make a recommendation <br /> for award, to the County . <br /> CAF/bw/U:\WO\Projects\IRC W_WW2004\TA_CUP\01 _Proposals\New Wclls\Attachtnent Ldoc <br /> Last Revised 8/23/2004 5: 05 PM <br /> 3 <br />