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4p► 10196s <br />but . 0 mu 164 <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by <br />Commissioner McCullers and unanimously carried that the speed limit be <br />set at 25MPH on 32nd Avenue and 34th Avenue between 12th Street and 14th <br />•Street. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner McCullers, seconded by <br />Commissioner Haffield and unanimously carried that the County Engineer <br />is authorized to attend the Outdoor Recreation Planning Workshop in' <br />Tallahassee on March.8. <br />The County Engineer presented the Primary and Secondary Road <br />Program for 1965-1966 and On Motion made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded. <br />by Commissioner Haffield and unanimously carried, the following Resolutions <br />were adopted: <br />