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800K 9 PACE 238 <br />WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1965 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met in <br />a regular meeting on•Wednesday, June 9,' 1965, at the Courthouse, Vero <br />Beach, Florida. All members were present. Also.present were John H. <br />Sutherland, County Attorney, Edwin S. Schmucker, County Engineer, Alfred <br />H. Webber and Ruth Elliott, Deputy Clerks. <br />The Chairman asked if there were any Corrections or additions to <br />the'minutes of May 5 and May 19. There were.none andupon Motion by <br />Commissioner Waddell, -seconded by Commissioner,Macdonald and unanimously <br />carried, the minutes of May 5 and May 19, 1965, were approved. <br />Upon Motion made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner <br />Haffield and unanimously carried, the Bondfor Julian W. Lowenstein, <br />member of the Mosquito Control Board, in the amount of $5,000 with, <br />Home Indemnity Company as surety, was approved. <br />Upon recommendation of the Zoning Board, Motion was made by Com- <br />missioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner McCullers and unanimously <br />carried, that public hearings be authorized for the request of James <br />J. Hinkle for a zoning change from Fl Agriculture District to R3 A <br />Retirement District of the Nigh of the NE' of.Section 14, Township 31S, <br />Range 38 E, lying west of Fellsmere Road. .This is a 31 acre parcel <br />of property lying on the west side of Roseland Road approximately 3/4 <br />of a mile north of the Fellsmere Road adjoining the Boy Scout camp. <br />Attorney Charles Herring informed the Board that he'represented <br />Nancy McLarty who has purchased the submerged land on either side of <br />the right-of-way of Ind Street as extended in Amberaand Beach Subdivision <br />for which the County has made purchase from the Trustees <br />of the internal Improvement Fund. He• requested the Board to consider <br />receiving a quit -claim deed from the•t.uatees rather than a dedication <br />in order that an exchange slight be made between his client and the <br />Councy. Motion was' made by Commissioner M►tcdonald, seconded by'Com- <br />missioner McCullera and unanimously carried, that the County Engineer <br />is authorized to contact the Trustees:and request them to hold any <br />action until further action of the• Board. Later in the meeting, <br />JINN -91965 <br />