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the Dedication to 2nd Street right-of-way as extended was received <br />by mail from the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund. <br />Mr.. James N. Cowin appeared before the Board regarding a boundary. <br />line dispute in Roseland which has been settled by' court suit <br />was the opinion of the Board that the dispute was not a probleia of <br />the County Commissioners. Mr. Cowin alio requested permission to open <br />an alley on the north side of his property and upon Motion made by <br />Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and unanimously <br />carried, Mr. Cowin. was given permission to open the alley, for public'.use, <br />in Block 27, Townsite of .Roseland, at his own expense, -and that be be <br />responsible to open it in its proper location. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Deturo Szappeared before the Board seeking <br />a refund of $83.41 paid the Tax Collector, stating that there was <br />a misunderstanding am to the purpose of the payment. Troy E. Moody, <br />• Tax Collector, was also present and expressed bis position to the <br />Board. The Board informed Mr. Deturo, on advise of Counsel, that the <br />Board has no jurisdiction in the matter. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by, Commissioner <br />McCullers and unanimously carried, that the Clerk advertise the <br />Equalization meeting for Monday, July 19, 1965, 'at 8230 A. M. <br />Mr. Thomas B. .Trent, Civil Defense Director,, informed the Board <br />that the Civil Defense Department of Indian River County is operating <br />in compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and upon Motion by <br />Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and, unanimously. <br />carried, the CD Director was authorized to sign the Assurance of Com- <br />pliance and send to the proper authorities as requested by authorities <br />IA Washington. <br />BOOK 9 PACE 239 <br />JUN l91965 <br />