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AUG 4 196E <br />BOOK 9 PACE 286 <br />The Monthly Reports of the County Agent and the County Service <br />Officer were received and placed on file. <br />i'he.Deputy Clerk presented two Notices from the Trustees of <br />the Internal Improvement Fund of Application to purchase submerged land <br />in the Indian River by Glenn E. Smith, et al, and John D. Cole, et al. <br />No objections were expressed. <br />The Deputy Clerk presented the following quotations for a Grade A, <br />five drawer legal file cabinet for the office of the Clor.k.of the <br />Circuit Court: Mor=ie's$105.42; O'Haire's Office Equipment, $91.50. <br />'Motion was made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner <br />McCullere and unanimously carried, that the quotation of O'Halre's <br />Office Equipment of $91.50 be accepted. <br />Upon Motion by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner '. <br />McCullers and unanimouQly carried, the following Resolution was <br />adopted: <br />RESOLUTION Nth.. <br />WHEREAS, the Town'of Indian River Shorea,'has requested the <br />City Council of the City of Vero Beach, to make available, when <br />needed, its fire fighting equipment for use in the Town of Indian <br />River Shores, the expense of which, when so used, is to be borne <br />by the Town of Indian River Shores, and • <br />WHEREAS, Indian River County owns certain fire fighting <br />equipment which is used by the Vero Beach•Fire Department when <br />'answering fire calls outside the city limits of the City -of Vero <br />Beach, <br />THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County <br />Commissioners of Indian River County, has no objection to the use <br />of the fire fighting equipment of'the county located at the Vero <br />Beach Fire Department, to be used when necessary in answering calla <br />in the Town of Indian River Shores. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be <br />sent to the City Council of the City of Vero Beach. and the <br />0Ouncil of the Town of Indian.River Shores. <br />