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The Deputy Clerk submitted the resignation of James E: Roberts, <br />as County Veterans'.Service Officer, effective August 31, 1965, to <br />accept a position with the Florida Department of Veterans' Affairs in <br />Coral Gables, Florida. Upon Motion by Commissioner McCullers, seconded <br />by Commissioner Macdonald and unanimously carried, the resignation of. <br />James E. Roberts was accepted with regrets. Upon the recommendation <br />of Mr. Roberts and on Motion by Commissioner McCullers, seconded by <br />Macdonald, :and unanimously carried, Mr. George E..Stokes was appointed. <br />,as Indian River County Veterans' Service Officer, effective August 23. <br />and that he be authorized to attend the County Service Officer's <br />School in St. Petersburg from September 1 through September 15. <br />Mr. Prank Zoro reported that a property owner adjoining his <br />property has placed a number of bee hi-res along the property line <br />and he felt this was a hazard to the public. The problem was <br />referred to the County Attorney and the County Engineer to interpret <br />the zoning regulations to determine what can be done.. <br />The County Engineer presented an aerial photograph showing <br />alternate routes for the Wabasso Bridge approach, and the Engineer <br />was authorized to discuss .L situation with Mr. Davidson of the <br />State Road Department. <br />Motion was made b' Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner <br />McCullers and unanimously carried that the County Attorney be instructed <br />to negotiate with Mr, George Heath, representing Takaho Corporation, <br />the following: That Takaho Corporation will convey to thCounty a <br />60' right-of-way, being the extention of North Gifford Road, with the <br />agreement that Takaho Corporation will retain possession of the property.' <br />during the 10 year period after the date of the deed, except however, <br />in the eventAhe use of the -property surrounding this right-of-way <br />changes from agricultural purposee to some other purpc3e, the County <br />could take possession of the right-of-way. In the event that Takaho <br />does not execute such an instrument within sixty days, then this right- <br />of-way shall be condemned.. <br />PACE 291 <br />AUG <br />