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from the County, local funds of the Mosquito Control District for the <br />remainder of the cost except for that part contributed by the state as ., <br />matching funds for the total amount spent or}'the project by the Mosquito <br />Control District. <br />Upon Motion by Commissioner Macdonald, secor,4ci by Oommissioner <br />McCullers and unanimously carried, the payment of r to ',2,000 was <br />authorized to Edmund S. Lucarelli for right-of-way on Fellsmere Road, <br />SR 512, being Lots 1, 2, & 3, Block 16, Tropical Village Estates S/D. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner <br />Macdonald and unanimously 'arried that the Performance Bond of General <br />Development Corporation on Vero Shores Unit Two be extended until <br />September 8, 1965. <br />Upon Motion by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner <br />Macdonald and unanimously carried, John R, Gould was authorized -to <br />initiate appellate proceedings in the case, Indian River County vs. <br />Vero Beach Development, Inc. and Ctntinental Casualty Company. <br />The County Attorney reported that the Zoning Board hag held <br />a public hearing on the request oVJames J. Hinkle for a zoning <br />change and han approved the rd.i:+ested change and on Motion by Comm <br />issiofter Waddell, seconded by vommissioner Macdonald and unanimouslj <br />carried, a public hearing on'the request; was set for September 8, 1965. <br />The several bills and accounts against the County, having been <br />audited,.were examined and found to be correct, were approved, and <br />warrants issued in settlement of same as follows: General Fund., Nos.4279 <br />to 4357, both inclusive; Road and Bridge Fund, Nos.2866 to 2908, both <br />inclusive; Pine and Forfeiture .fund, Nos.426 to 438, both inclusive; <br />-and Capital Outlay Fund, Nos.120 to 122, both inclusive. Such bills <br />and accounts being on file in the Office of the Clerk o!'.the Circuit <br />Court, the warrants so issued from the respective funds. peing''risted <br />in the Supplemental Minute Book as provided by the rules; of the State <br />Auditor, reference to.such record and list do recorded 'being made a. <br />part Of these minutes. <br />There being no further business, on Motion made, seconded and <br />carried, the meeting was adjourned. <br />ATTEST: <br />ROBERT W. GRAVES, CHAIRMAN <br />PAGE 293 <br />AUG 4 S65 <br />