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1 <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County <br />Commissioners of Indian River County, that the chairman and the Clerk <br />are hereby authorized to execute a deed to the'Sebastian River Drainage. <br />District for the property acquired from Robert W. Newman and Jane <br />Newman, Ids wife, as described above, in exchange for an easement <br />from the Sebastian River Drainage District to Indian River County, <br />subject to the Sebastian River Drainage District's paramount.right <br />to maintain their drainage facilities, which easement shall be used <br />for the construction of North Winter Beach Road by Indian River County <br />and said exchange is to be without any cash consideration other than <br />set forth in this Resolution. <br />The County .Engineer reported that Miss Durrance had re -submitted <br />the plans for a- building on the county -owned land leased to the West <br />Wabasso.Progressive Civic Club; but that the plans were still the same <br />and the estimate3cost of materials only was $5000.00 which did not <br />include any IabOr,whatsoever, septic tank, electrical. work. It was- <br />-the consensus of the Board that they were still Ln favor of building <br />a Small buildingto be used by the Health Department in that.areal but <br />'not a building of the size specified in the.plans submitted. <br />BOOK 9 ?A30 <br />• <br />1- <br />• SEP 9-'0F, <br />