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the cost of item no . 455A 33-2 . Such price and payment shall be full compensation <br /> for all work in this section . <br /> B . CONCRETE PIPE JOINTS : Subarticle 430-7 . 1 . 1 is modified by the addition of the <br /> following : In addition to the rubber gaskets all round and elliptical concrete pipe <br /> shall have wrapped filter fabric jacket joints . The joint between the pipe and the <br /> structure shall also have a filter fabric jacket . These joints shall conform to INDEX <br /> 280 and have a minimum wrapping width of 1 foot on both sides of the exposed <br /> joint . The fabric must be long enough to overlap the outer circumference of the <br /> pipe joint by a minimum of 1 foot . Metal strapping will be used on both sides of the <br /> circumference of the pipe joint to secure the fabric. Other methods which will <br /> secure the fabric against the wall until the backfill is compacted will be considered <br /> for approval by the Engineer . The filter fabric shall be in accordance with Section <br /> 985 , and/or as modified by these special provision , for subsurface drainage . <br /> Payment shall be made under the unit price for concrete pipe . <br /> C . PIPE CULVERTS AND STORM SEWERS : Subarticle 430- 12 . 1 . The text is <br /> deleted and the following substituted : <br /> "The quantities of pipe culvert to be paid for under this Section shall be the plan <br /> quantity in feet of concrete Pipe Culvert, Corrugated Aluminum Pipe Culvert and <br /> High Density Polyethylene Pipe Culvert subject to the provisions of 9-3 . 2 . Any <br /> additions or deletions thereto , as authorized by the Engineer , shall be determined <br /> by plan dimensions , final measurement , or any combination thereof, as measured <br /> along the centerline of the completed and accepted pipe . " <br /> Pipe that has been patched significantly prior to delivery shall be grounds for <br /> rejection of pipe . <br /> Lifting holes on pipe culverts shall be grounds for rejection of pipe . ASTM <br /> Specification C-76-85A and AASTM Specification M170-89 are modified by the <br /> following : <br /> Significant patching of pipe prior to delivery shall be grounds for rejection of pipe . <br /> The exposure of the ends of the longitudinal stirrups or spacers that have been <br /> used to position the cages during the placement of the concrete may be a cause <br /> for rejection by the Project Engineer. <br /> During construction , the Contractor is to maintain the storm sewer void of any <br /> silting material . Prior to final acceptance the Contractor or Engineer shall inspect <br /> and certify that the storm sewer is free of any construction material or debris and <br /> operates in a functional manner. Contractor shall remove silt and other material <br /> from sewer at no cost to Owner. Compensation shall be included in the <br /> maintenance of traffic lump sum item . <br /> GENERAL PROVISIONS <br /> 01025-11 <br /> F:\Engineering\Capital Projects\0604-12th St Sidewalk Improve between 43rd Ave & 27th Ave\Bid Documents\DIVISION 2 - Technical <br /> Provisions.doc <br />