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A . Preconstruction Conference : At the preconstruction conference the Contractor <br /> shall present , in written form , his plans and schedules for prevention , control , and <br /> abatement of erosion and water pollution . <br /> B . Canals : Floating turbidity barriers shall be installed in all permanent water course <br /> in a manner so as not to act as a dam . Barriers shall be located at distance of no <br /> greater than 25 feet downstream from the last point of construction . <br /> C . Silt Fences : Silt fences shall be installed to prevent silt and erosion from leaving <br /> the project limits particularly adjacent to wetlands , roadside ditches or existing <br /> bodies of water . <br /> D . Storm Sewer System : The Contractor shall protect the storm sewer system from <br /> erosion and sedimentation during construction . This may include the use of baled <br /> hay , silt fences or any other method approved by the Engineer . All such costs <br /> associated with this shall be included in the lump sump amount for erosion and <br /> water pollution control . Should any constructed item be damaged due to erosion <br /> or sedimentation , the Contractor shall repair or replace the item with no additional <br /> compensation . All new and existing (where called for) storm sewer pipes shall be <br /> clean and free from silt prior to final acceptance . <br /> E . Permits to be Obtained by Contractor: <br /> 1 . The OWNER has obtained certain permits for this project and they are listed <br /> in paragraph SC-6 . 08 of the Supplementary Conditions . Per paragraph SC- <br /> 6 . 08 . 0 of the Supplementary Conditions , the CONTRACTOR shall apply for, <br /> obtain , and pay for all other required permits and licenses . This may <br /> include but not be limited to : <br /> a . Long-term or short-term dewatering permit as required by the <br /> St . Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) . <br /> Contact SJRWMD at (321 ) 9844940 to determine which <br /> permit is required and the associated statutory requirements ; <br /> b . Florida Department of Environmental Protection ( FDEP) <br /> " Notice of Intent to Use Generic Permit for Stormwater <br /> Discharge From Construction Activities That Disturb one or <br /> More Acres of Land and Contributes stormwater discharges to <br /> surface waters of the State or into a municipal separate storm <br /> sewer system ( MS4) permit application form . Contact FDEP <br /> at (407) 894-7555 or (850) 921 -9904 ; and <br /> C , U . S . Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA) " Notice of Intent <br /> ( NOI ) for Storm Water Discharges Associated With <br /> Construction Activity Under a NPDES General Permit . " <br /> 2 . Provide copies of all permits to the OWNER and ENGINEER and comply <br /> with all conditions contained in all permits at no extra cost to the OWNER . If <br /> there is a conflict between any permit requirement and these Specifications , <br /> the more stringent specification or requirement shall govern . <br /> GENERAL PROVISIONS <br /> 01025-5 <br /> FAEngineering\Capital Projects\0604-12th St Sidewalk Improve between 43rd Ave & 27th Ave\Bid Documents\DIVISION 2 - Technical <br /> Provisions.doc <br />