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inspections, tests , and approvals that the results 2 . changes in the Contract Price or <br /> certified indicate compliance with , the Contract Contract Times which are agreed to by the <br /> Documents , parties , including any undisputed sum or <br /> amount of time for Work actually performed in <br /> E . The limitations upon authority and responsibil- accordance with a Work Change Directive; and <br /> ity set forth in this paragraph 9 . 10 shall also apply to <br /> ENGINEER's Consultants , Resident Project Repre- 3 . changes in the Contract Price or <br /> sentative, and assistants . Contract Times which embody the substance of <br /> any written decision rendered by ENGINEER <br /> ARTICLE 10 - CHANGES IN THE WORK; CLAIMS pursuant to paragraph 10 .05; provided that, in <br /> lieu of executing any such Change Order, an <br /> appeal may be taken from any such decision in <br /> 10 . 01 Authorized Changes in the Work accordance with the provisions of the Contract <br /> Documents and applicable Laws and Regula- <br /> A. Without invalidating the Agreement and tions , but during any such appeal , <br /> without notice to any surety, OWNER may, at any time CONTRACTOR shall cavy on the Work and <br /> or from time to time, order additions , deletions, or adhere to the progress schedule as provided in <br /> revisions in the Work by a Written Amendment, a paragraph 6 . 18 .A. <br /> Change Order, or a Work Change Directive . Upon <br /> receipt of any such document, CONTRACTOR shall 10 . 04 Notification to Surety <br /> promptly proceed with the Work involved which will be <br /> performed under the applicable conditions of the A. If notice of any change affecting the general <br /> Contract Documents (except as otherwise specifically scope of the Work or the provisions of the Contract <br /> provided ) . Documents (including, but not limited to , Contract <br /> Price or Contract Times) is required by the provisions <br /> B . If OWNER and CONTRACTOR are unable to of any Bond to be given to a surety, the giving of any <br /> agree on entitlement to, or on the amount or extent, if such notice will be CONTRACTOR's responsibility. <br /> any, of an adjustment in the Contract Price or Contract The amount of each applicable Bond will be adjusted <br /> Times , or both , that should be allowed as a result of a to reflect the effect of any such change . <br /> Work Change Directive, a Claim may be made <br /> therefor as provided in paragraph 10 .05 . <br /> 10 .02 Unauthorized Changes in the Work <br /> A. CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to an <br /> increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the <br /> Contract Times with respect to any work performed <br /> that is not required by the Contract Documents as <br /> amended , modified , or supplemented as provided in <br /> paragraph 3 . 04 , except in the case of an emergency <br /> as provided in paragraph 6 . 16 or in the case of <br /> uncovering Work as provided in paragraph 13 .04 . 13 . <br /> 10 . 03 Execution of Change Orders <br /> A. OWNER and CONTRACTOR shall execute <br /> appropriate Change Orders recommended by ENGI- <br /> NEER (or Written Amendments) covering : <br /> 1 . changes in the Work which are: (i) <br /> ordered by OWNER pursuant to paragraph <br /> 10 .01 .A, (ii ) required because of acceptance of <br /> defective Work under paragraph 13 .08 .A or <br /> OWNER's correction of defective Work under <br /> paragraph 13 . 09 , or (iii) agreed to by the <br /> parties ; <br /> 00700 - General Conditions <br /> 00700 - 30 <br /> FAEngineering\Petition PwAng\05221st Rd. from 32nd Ave. to 35th Ave\Bid Documents\00700 - General Conditions.doc <br />