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St. Peter' s Human Services, Inc. Village of Excellence Training Institute for Girls. Children ' s Services Council <br /> PROPOSAL NARRATIVE <br /> Please respond to each question in the allotted space for each section. In responding to each section of <br /> the proposal narrative, please retain the section-label and/or question that you are addressing. Type <br /> using 12 pt. font on 8 %i" X 11 " paper and number each page . These directions and the graphic boxes <br /> may be deleted if space is needed. <br /> A. ORGANIZATION CAPABILITY (Entire Section A not to exceed one page) <br /> 1 . Provide the mission statement and vision of your organization . <br /> Mission Statement: St. Peter' s Human Services, Inc . mission is to increase the success rate of <br /> high risk students by providing educational support, drug awareness, and character education <br /> through operation of a public school of choice. The Academy works cooperatively with <br /> established social programs and assist the targeted population of Indian River County to become <br /> self sufficient members of society. <br /> Vision : The St. Peter' s Human Services, Inc . is a non denominational organization since <br /> December 1996 . The Agency' s vision is to address social problems and needs in targeted areas <br /> of Indian River County, Florida. The agency is designed to provide short and long term services <br /> in the areas of affordable quality child/day care services, before and after school childcare, public <br /> school of choice for children with special needs and children who are not successful in the <br /> regulars stem, youth intervention programs and assisted living care for certain targeted groups . <br /> 2 . Provide a brief summary of your organization including areas of expertise, <br /> accomplishments, and population served. <br /> Since its incorporation, the agency has provided quality daycare services for families with <br /> children ages zero to five years of age . The center also serves children who are Title 20 and <br /> ALPI Certified. The agency has a chartered public school of choice, serving 90 to 100 students <br /> of Indian River County. The Agency has also successfully implemented a Boy' s Development <br /> and Training Program from the targeted population, ages 7 to 14 . The program ' s highlights <br /> include organized drills, academic support, self esteem/character building, exploration and <br /> exposure to educational and recreational activities through field trips and workshops . The <br /> Program is the only one of its kind in Indian River County. <br /> With the successful program for boys , the transition is a natural one to assist in providing a <br /> program for the at risk girls in the community. <br /> 4 <br />