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St. Peter's Human Services, Inc . Village of Excellence Training Institute for Girls. Children 's Services Council <br /> Be PROGRAM NEED STATEMENT (Entire Section B not to exceed one page) <br /> 1 . a) What is the unacceptable condition requiring change? b) Who has the need? <br /> c) Where do they live? d) Provide local, state, or national trend data, with reference <br /> source, that corroborates that this is an area of need. <br /> a. The unacceptable condition is juvenile delinquency that leads to further lives of crime, <br /> truancy, dropping out of school, pregnancy, sexual abuse, low self esteem, etc . because <br /> the approach has been only to lock up the offenders without changing the behaviors . <br /> b. The children in need are at risk females between the ages of 6 and 16 who have exhibited <br /> problem behaviors, such as school disciplinary referrals, chronic school truancy, <br /> repeated school suspensions, poor academic performance, a history of alcohol, tobacco <br /> and other drugs, rebellion, running away, mental and emotional health issues and those <br /> with a history of delinquent behavior. <br /> c. In Indian River County, 90% of the at risk females involved in the program are from the <br /> surrounding community. <br /> d. DJJ ' s fact sheet on female juvenile offenders quoted Bill Bankhead, "We have a growing <br /> problem with serious delinquency among girls . . . Girls need specialized attention and <br /> direction on dealing with issues like peer pressure, self image and goal setting. " There <br /> has been a 44% increase in the number of girls arrested annually for committing crimes <br /> during the past 10 years . (Percentage of boys only rose 12 . 5 %) The number of girls <br /> arrested for violent felony offenses doubled over the past ten years — and it is expected to <br /> continue to climb . In the DJJ report, The Girls Initiative, it stated that girls have unique <br /> needs and problems, such as sexual and/or physical abuse, teen pregnancy, poor <br /> academic performance and mental health needs . The fact sheet on female offenders <br /> states, "The need for appropriate new programs for girls continues . What happens to girls <br /> in the system is critical not only because of their large numbers . Girls ' circumstances are <br /> different than boys . The relevant issues to girls include avoiding teen pregnancy, getting <br /> a good education, learning about health and hygiene, dealing with all kinds of abuse, <br /> acquiring parenting skills, developing self esteem and being mentored by a female adult . " <br /> (www. dj . state . fl .us/statsnresearch/factsheets/femaleoffenders .html) <br /> 2 . a) Identify similar programs that are currently serving the needs of your targeted <br /> population ; b) Explain how these existing programs are under-serving the targeted <br /> population of your program. <br /> There are two programs that serve the targeted population, neither of which serve the whole <br /> child : <br /> la. Gifford Youth Activity Center provides a day program for all youth, not just females . lb . The <br /> program does not provide many of the services rendered by our program, i . e . mentoring, meals , <br /> overnight stay at the site, one-on-one parent and children discussions, mentoring, tracking the <br /> girls for six months after successful completion through DJJ, etc . <br /> 2a. Hope Academy provides an alternative program for suspended students from public schools, <br /> while the Girl ' s Institute serves the total child, making sure that no child will be left behind . 2b . <br /> Hope Academy is not designed to meet the needs of the total child. <br /> 5 <br />