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Commissioner Mac nald presented quotations received by the Civil <br />Defense Director, for stationery and envelopes and moved that the Civil <br />Defense Director be authorized to purchase the supplies from Morse Printing <br />Company for $43,35. Commissioz'tr Macdonald also moved that the Civil <br />Defense Director be authorized to'purchase the necessary transceiver unit <br />as recommended by I. J. Rovang, RACES Radio Officer, to replace un- <br />satisfactory equipment, out of CD funds. received from the sale of surplus <br />equipment. The motions were seconded by Commissioner Waddell and unanimously <br />carried. <br />Commissioner Waddell moved that the Engineer be authorizedto purchase <br />a replacement air -conditioner for the Tax Assessor's office at a sum not <br />to exceed $300.00. The Motion was seconded by Commissioner Haffield and <br />unanimously carried. <br />Commissioner Macdonald presented preliminary plans received from <br />Mr. W. A. Caldwell, State Park Planner, for the general development of <br />e Seiastian Inlet Park and Round Island Park, which were viewed by the <br />Board and the press. <br />and approved a letter written by the County Engineer to the <br />Department of the Interior in answer to their inquiry that the portion <br />of DA\Wi row Park being leased to the Florida Forest Service will <br />be use. for\ recreational purposes and will comply with the Civil Rights Act. <br />\ P- iN�Htl1� qfd <br />Col,issi9ner Macdonald stated that since so much is being installed <br />at the Sebastian Inlet Park he is getting concerned about vandalism and <br />recommended that the Board advertise as soon as possible for a concessionaire. <br />\: <br />It was decided to discuss the legal advertisement and concession agreement <br />in detail at awevenLng session to be held on Monday, July 11, at 7:00 o'clock <br />P. M. <br />The County Engineer reported that the Zoning Board, after holding <br />public hearing, voted not to recommend the rezoning from M1 to Cl of the <br />land lying South of Oslo Road between the Florida East Coast Railway and <br />U. S. #1 and recommended that the zoning stay as it is. The Zoning Board <br />did recommend that the Zoning Regulations be changed by adding a district <br />known as R2B, Multi -family District. Commissioner Waddell stated that <br />JUL 6 1966 LOOK 9 PAGE 650 <br />