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F'_ <br />96 <br />FRIDAY, JANUARY 11th 1929. <br />The Board of County Commissioners in and for Indian River County, Florida, met a: <br />the Court House in Vero Beach, at 10 o'clock A.M. The following Commissioners were <br />present and presented their commissions as such officers for the ensuing two years.; <br />J9 D. Yongue, J.J.P.Hamilton, John H. .Atkin and Albert 0. Helseth. Also present were <br />Miles Warren, Clerk and Clark S. Rice, Sheriff. <br />The minutes of the previous meetings of the Board were read and without objecti <br />the same were approved. <br />Commissioner J.J.P.Hamilton nominated John H. .Atkin as Temporary Chairman of <br />this Board which was unanimously carried. <br />It was ordered that the matter of selecting a permanent and appointment <br />of various officials be deferred until such time as a full membership of the Board <br />is present. <br />The Notary Public bond of J.D.Baker in the sum of 5500.00 with The American <br />Surety Company, a corporation, of New York was approved. <br />It was ordered that the Tax Assessor be instructed to assess tax on 1 -acres of <br />land in 3,ection 6 Tp. 31 S.R.39 East to Mrs Anna Ruffner, as she is not a widow with <br />dependents. <br />It was ordered that the County Engineer run out and stake off lots in Espy -- <br />Subdivision at Gifford fronting on State Road No. 4. <br />Pursuant to call for bids for Gasoline and oil the following bids having been <br />received were opened and read by the Clerks <br />Standard Oil Company <br />Gulf Refining Company <br />Sinclair Refining Company <br />The Texas Company <br />all submitting bids for gasoline at a price of 2je per gallon below the tank wagon <br />price. It was ordered that the County Engineer make schedule and present to the <br />Board at the afternoon meeting. <br />On account of absence of Commissioner laBruce it was deemed impracticable to <br />make a jury lust at this time, and it was ordered that this matter be deferred until <br />the meeting to be held in February 1929. <br />It was ordered that the County Nurse investigate the case of N.D.Hammond, <br />Roseland, whth instructions to expend up to not more than $25.00 per month for his <br />maintenance, if necessary. <br />R.D.Carier and.D.C.Cox representing the Atlantic -Gulf Cross State Road District <br />appeared before the Board requesting use of County trucks and machinery to re -build <br />fills washed out on that road, the Road District to pay such rental as is customary. <br />It was ordered that the County equipment be rented to the District for this work. <br />It was ordered that the County Engineer repair road on Osceola Boulevard from <br />King's Highway west. <br />It was ordered that road Lateral "A" South, one mile west of Lateral "B" be <br />marled for a distance of about 1i miles. <br />Moved$ seconded and carried that County ,Agent, W.E.Evans be re-employed as such <br />at a monthly salary of $225.00 effective February 1st next, such employment to be <br />terminated at the will of the Board. <br />It was ordered that the County .Agent be requested to file monthly report of his <br />operations with the Board of County Commissioners. <br />The County Engineer filed his schedule of the various bids for furnishing the 1 0 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />