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( D ) A grievance not advanced to the higher step within the time limit provided <br /> shall be deemed permanently withdrawn and as having been settled on <br /> the basis of the decision most recently given . Failure on the part of the <br /> County' s representative to answer within the time limit set forth in any step <br /> will entitle the employee to proceed to the next step . <br /> ( E) When a grievance is reduced to writing there shall be set forth : <br /> 1 . A complete statement of the grievance and the facts upon which it <br /> is based ; <br /> 2 . The section or sections of this agreement claimed to have been <br /> violated ; and <br /> 3 . The remedy or correction requested . <br /> ( F ) In the settlement of any grievance resulting in retroactive adjustment , <br /> such adjustment shall be limited to ten calendar days prior to the date of <br /> the filing of the grievance . <br /> STEPS FOR GRIEVANCE PROCESSING <br /> In the event a grievance arises , the employee must ' discuss the grievance with his <br /> immediate supervisor within five business days after he had knowledge of his <br /> grievance . At the time of submitting the grievance , and to ensure that grievances are <br /> settled at the first opportunity , the aggrieved employee should request an informal <br /> meeting with his supervisor prior to a Step 1 hearing to discuss the circumstances <br /> giving rise to the grievance . In the event the issue in dispute cannot be resolved <br /> between the supervisor and the grievant , the grievance may be presented by the <br /> grievant at Step 1 of the grievance procedure within five working days from the date of <br /> the supervisory meeting . Such written grievance must indicate that the matter had been <br /> reviewed with the immediate supervisor . Any grievance filed over being discharged <br /> shall be directly submitted to Step 3 . <br /> Step 1 : The aggrieved employee shall present his grievance to his division head . The <br /> aggrieved employee may request a representative of the union to be present . The <br /> division head will meet with the aggrieved employee and his representative within five <br /> business days after submission of the written grievance , unless mutually agreed <br /> otherwise . Discussions will be informal for the purpose of settling differences in the <br /> simplest and most direct manner. The division head shall reach a decision and <br /> communicate it in writing to the aggrieved employee with a copy to the union within five <br /> business days from the date the grievance was presented to him . If the Division Head <br /> fails to issue a timely response , then the grievance may be filed to Step 2 . <br /> Step 2 : If the grievance is not settled in the first step ,. the aggrieved employee , within <br /> five business days of the time that the Step 1 decision was rendered , shall forward the <br /> written grievance to the department head . The department head shall meet within five <br /> working days , unless mutually agreed otherwise with the aggrieved employee who may <br /> 28 <br />