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4/12/2016 12:09:37 PM
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10/1/2015 12:40:30 AM
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Teamsters Local Union No. 769
Contract Teamsters Local Union No. 769 10/01/2008 - 09/30/2011
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be accompanied by a union steward and the union chief steward . The County will <br /> attempt to coordinate the meeting with both the grievant and the Union . The department <br /> head shall reach a decision and communicate it in writing to the aggrieved employee <br /> with a copy to the Union within five business days of the Step 2 meeting , unless such <br /> time is mutually extended in writing . If the department head fails to issue a timely <br /> response , then the grievance may be filed to Step 3 , <br /> Step 3 : If the grievance is not settled in the second ' step , the aggrieved employee , <br /> within five business days of the time that the Step 2 decision was rendered , shall <br /> forward the written grievance to the County Administrator or his designee . The County <br /> Administrator or his designee shall meet with the aggrieved employee , within five <br /> working days , unless mutually agreed otherwise , who may be accompanied by the <br /> union steward , the chief steward , and business representative to obtain the facts in the <br /> case . The County will attempt to coordinate the meeting with both the grievant and the <br /> Union . The County Administrator or his designee shall forward his decision to grievant <br /> with a copy to the union within ten ( 10) business days of the Step 3 meeting , unless this <br /> period of time is extended by mutual agreement of both parties . <br /> Step 4 : In the event that the grievance is not settled at Step 3 within the time allowed , it <br /> may then be submitted to arbitration . Nothing herein will prevent the parties from <br /> mutually agreeing to seek resolution through mediation . The Union and only the Union <br /> shall have the exclusive right to proceed to arbitration on behalf of all the bargaining <br /> unit members . Submission to arbitration must be made within ten days of the time that <br /> the Step 3 hearing decision was rendered ; provided '', however , this period may be <br /> extended upon the mutual agreement of both parties . If the parties fail to agree in the <br /> first instance of an appointment , the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service shall <br /> be requested to provide a panel of arbitrators from which a selection shall be made . <br /> Hearings before the arbitrator shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of the <br /> Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service . The arbitrator' s decision shall be final and <br /> binding on the parties , but no arbitrator shall have the power to alter, modify , amend , <br /> add to , or detract from the terms and conditions of the agreement . <br /> 24 . 5 As promptly as possible after the arbitrator has been selected , the arbitrator shall <br /> conduct a hearing between the parties and consider the grievance . The decision <br /> of the arbitrator will be served upon the union and the County in writing . It shall <br /> be the obligation of the arbitrator to make a best effort to rule within 30 calendar <br /> days after the hearing and receipt of post-hearing briefs . The expenses of the <br /> arbitration , including the fee and expense of the arbitrator , shall be equally <br /> divided between the parties . Any party desiring a transcript of the hearing shall <br /> bear the cost of such transcript unless the parties mutually agree to share the <br /> cost . Each party shall bear the expense of its own witnesses and of its own <br /> representatives for purposes of the arbitration hearing . <br /> 24 . 6 The arbitrator will be confined to the written grievance presented in Step 1 of the <br /> procedure . Additionally the arbitrator shall have no authority to change , amend , <br /> add to , subtract from , or otherwise alter or supplement this agreement. The <br /> 29 <br />
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