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Mr. Robert Graves, Chairman -2- October 1966 <br />sons most closely connected with the reconstruction and repair of build- <br />ings that have been damaged or destroyed by fire, weather or other con- <br />ditions which could have been eliminated and, in some instances the damage <br />reduced to a great extent, had there been certain building practices set <br />forth and supervised by the bounty government. <br />As was stated earlier in this letter, we are aware of the recent <br />publicity in the newspapers;. and there appears that there is no dissenting <br />voice insofar as the need for a cdunty wide building code is concerned, <br />however, the advocates of the building code have offered no specific guide- <br />lines or concrete proposals to the county and its citizens. Without appear- <br />ing to be presumptuous, we would offer the following as a basis for con- <br />sideration as a start toward a building code: <br />1. Inasmuch as the City of Vero Beach and the City of Sebastian <br />have building codes and supervision in effect, we would submit that any <br />county wide building code exempt these two municipalities and any other <br />municipalities which, in the future, desire to adopt a building code that <br />would not fall below the minimum requirements of the county code, if and <br />when one is adopted by our county. <br />2. That certain agricultural buildings and construction be exempted <br />from the building code. The members of the construction trades of Indian <br />River County are well aware that buildings used in connection with the <br />agricultural industry (agricultural is meant to include all phases of citrus, <br />dairy and other generally recognized agricultural pursuits) are unique and <br />vary greatly according to the individual, whether it be a person, partner- <br />ship or corporation, and the particular needs of each and the requirements • <br />necessary to each. We are also well aware that, although cumulatively we <br />may possess a vast knowledge of the building industry, we do not presume to <br />assert that we would be in a position to have knowledge, insofar as the indi- <br />vidual needs of everyone engaged in the agricultural industry is concerned. <br />Thus it will be seen that we would confine ourselves to residential and com- <br />mercial buildings throughout the county. <br />3. We are also cognizant of the fact that generally speaking, in areas <br />outside of the county, the need for an extremely strict, and what, in some <br />cases might appear to be unreasonable, fire code, within the building code, <br />is not necessary insofar as the close proximity of buildings one to the other <br />is not present, and consequently buildings, generally speaking, could be of <br />frame or masonry or a combination of both and still conform with good sound <br />building practices. This could be accomplished and is necessary inasmuch <br />as the type of construction throughout the county would vary according to .each <br />individual, his aesthetic tastes and desires. <br />'65S BOOK 10 PAGE 54 <br />