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Mr, Robert Graves, Chairman <br />October 1966 <br />4. The supervision and enforcement of a county wide building code <br />could be most economically and efficiently handled through the County <br />Engineer's Office and it is anticipated_ that the revenue obtained from the <br />issuance of building permit would be sufficient to cover the cost of said <br />administration and enforcement. Should it appear or be suggested that <br />the immediate future might not make the system self-sustaining, we sub- <br />mit that the security and peace of mind gained by the assurance of county <br />wide sound building practices, would more than warrant any initial expense <br />entailed. <br />5. We concede that one of the major arguments of anyone in opposi- <br />tion to a county wide building code, would be the large area involved and <br />the difficulty that might appear to be present in the administration and en- <br />forcement of such a code over the area. We submit, however, that per- <br />haps 40, 30 or even 10 or 20 years ago, this was much more of a real pro- <br />blem than it is today. It is our feeling that foresight in the accomplishment <br />of our county government in conjunction with the state has resulted in an <br />excellent road system enabling those charged with the responsibility of en- <br />forcing such a building code to do it much easier now than in the past. It <br />is interesting to note and naturally follows that as a result of the excellent <br />road system serving the county, together with the future plans for improve- <br />ments and expansion of the same, the need for a county wide building code <br />is more apparent than ever inasmuch as citizens of this county, both new <br />and old, now have access to areas of the county in which to build their homes <br />and businesses that have not been accessible prior to this time, and thus <br />have expanded the need for uniform building practices and the security of all <br />of those citizens living or planning to build in the county. <br />6. There are several codes governing good building practices which <br />are available to the county, and these can be altered, modified or amended <br />to better provide the protection deserved by the citizens. However, it is <br />not suggested that any one of these be adopted in its entirety, but it is sub- <br />mitted that one of these codes available can readily be fashioned, in a short <br />time and with a minimum of confusion, into a relatively simple and efficient . <br />method for the good of the community. <br />Once again we would point out to the commission that the construction <br />industry in this county consists of extremely reputable firms that build ac- <br />cording to and follow sound construction principles, inasmuch as general <br />contractors and architects in our county are dependent upon the quality of <br />their construction for continued success in their field. We would also point <br />out that we do not wish to penalize the individual who might want to build his <br />own home, but we would point out that such a code would provide an efficient <br />and simple method whereby the individual involved would have available the <br />BOOK 10 PAGE 55 <br />NOV 14 1966 <br />• <br />