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TASK 2 . 4 POLICY ANALYSIS REPORT AND PRESENTATION <br /> CONSULTANT shall prepare Technical Memorandum #2 (TM2) , Policy Analysis <br /> Report . TM2 shall include all information, comparisons , assessments , and analyses <br /> produced in Tasks 2 . 1 through 2 . 3 . TM2 shall also identify assumptions made and <br /> methodologies employed to complete TM2 tasks . CONSULTANT shall prepare TM2 in <br /> a manner that is easy to read and understandable by the general public . Five copies of <br /> TM2 shall be submitted to COUNTY for review. After COUNTY review of TM2 , <br /> CONSULTANT shall make necessary revisions to the draft, prepare the final report, and <br /> transmit twenty copies of the final report to COUNTY. <br /> CONSULTANT shall also attend one public meeting with elected officials/decision <br /> makers to present the policy issues and alternatives identified in Task 2 . CONSULTANT <br /> shall prepare all presentation material , including Power Point presentations , presentation <br /> boards , and handouts , in a manner that is non-technical and understandable by the public . <br /> TASK 2 . 5 POLICY REVISIONS <br /> CONSULTANT shall document any policy changes that arise from the public meeting . <br /> Such changes may include revisions to adopted levels of service , revisions to alternative <br /> revenue sources programmed for capital facility construction/expansion, or others . <br /> CONSULTANT shall revise TM2 , as appropriate , to reflect any such changes , and <br /> transmit five copies of revised TM2 to COUNTY . <br /> TASK 3 - METHODOLOGY DEVELOPMENT <br /> TASK 3 . 1 FORMULA DEVELOPMENT <br /> For each facility/service category, CONSULTANT shall develop an impact fee formula <br /> in electronic spreadsheet format. The formula for each facility/service category shall be <br /> consistent with generally accepted impact fee methodologies ; shall include the least <br /> number of benefit areas as legally defensible ; shall reflect adopted levels of service ; shall <br /> include credits , where appropriate ; and shall include a discount rate , where appropriate . <br /> The formula spreadsheets shall be designed to allow staff to easily change values for <br /> formula variables , update formula inputs , and add new land use categories . <br /> CONSULTANT shall transmit draft formulas to COUNTY for review, and then revise <br /> formulas if necessary. <br /> TASK 3 .2 FEE SCHEDULE PREPARATION <br /> Using the formulas developed in Task 3 , 1 , CONSULTANT shall prepare a fee schedule <br /> for each facility/service category . The fee schedule shall use fee categories that are <br /> consistent among facility/service categories , and consistent with the traffic impact fee <br /> schedule , if possible . <br /> 12 <br />
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