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SECTION 01310 <br /> CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES <br /> 1 . 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS <br /> A. No partial payments shall be approved by the ENGINEER or ENGINEER' s <br /> CONSULTANT until there is an approved construction progress schedule . <br /> B . Designate an authorized representative who shall be responsible for development <br /> and maintenance of the construction schedule and of all progress and payment <br /> reports . This representative shall have direct project control and complete authority <br /> to act on behalf of the CONTRACTOR in fulfilling the commitments of the <br /> CONTRACTOR's schedules . <br /> 1 . 2 REVISIONS TO THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES <br /> A . Submit revised ( updated ) progress schedules on a monthly basis : <br /> 1 . Indicate the progress of each activity to the date of submission . <br /> 2 . Show changes occurring since the previous submission listing : <br /> a . Major changes in scope . <br /> b . Activities modified since the previous submission . <br /> C , Revised projections of progress and completion . <br /> d . Other identifiable changes . <br /> 3 . Provide a narrative report as needed to define : <br /> a . Problem areas , anticipated delays , and the impact on the schedule . <br /> b . Corrective action recommended and its effect . <br /> c . The effect of changes on schedules of other prime contractors . <br /> 1 . 3 SUBMISSION OF THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES <br /> A . On or before the tenth calendar day after the effective date of the Agreement , <br /> submit the initial schedules to the ENGINEER . The ENGINEER' s CONSULTANT <br /> will review the schedules and provide comments to the CONTRACTOR within 7 <br /> calendar days after receipt . The review period does not restrict issuance of the <br /> notice-to- proceed . Resubmit revised schedules on or before the seventh day after <br /> receipt of the ENGINEER' s CONSULTANT' s comments . Submit revised monthly <br /> progress schedules with that month 's application for payment . <br /> 1 . 4 DISTRIBUTION OF THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES <br /> A . After receivingapproval b the ENGINEER , distribute copies of the roved initial <br /> pP Y p PP <br /> Last Revised 12/2007 01310- 1 Wabasso Beach Pk Restoration <br /> FAPublic Works\Cliff Suthard\Wabasso Beach Park\A Construction Bid Documents\Bid Documents as of 1 -9-2008\Technical <br /> Specifications\Div 1 \0 1310 - Construction Schedules.doc <br />