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E . All submittals shall bear the stamp of approval and signature of CONTRACTOR <br /> as evidence that CONTRACTOR has reviewed them . Submittals without this <br /> stamp of approval will not be reviewed by the ENGINEER and will be returned to <br /> CONTRACTOR . all <br /> F . Assign a number to each submittal starting with No . 1 and thence numbered <br /> consecutively . Identify resubmittals by the original submittal number followed by <br /> the suffix "A" for the first resubmittal , the suffix " B " for the second resubmittal , <br /> etc . <br /> G . Initially submit to ENGINEER a minimum of six (6 ) copies of all submittals that <br /> are on 11 ,inch by 17 - inch or smaller sheets ( no less than 8 1 /2 - inch x 11 ,,inch ) , <br /> and six (6 ) unfolded prints of all submittals on sheets larger than 11 -inch by <br /> 17- inch . <br /> H . After the ENGINEER or the ENGINEER' s CONSULTANT completes his review , <br /> Shop Drawings or Design Drawings will be marked with one of the following <br /> notations : <br /> 1 . Approved <br /> 2 . Approved as Corrected <br /> 3 . Approved as Corrected - Resubmit <br /> 4 . Revise and Resubmit <br /> 5 , Not Approved <br /> I . If a Submittal is acceptable , it will be marked "Approved " or "Approved as <br /> Corrected . " Three (3 ) prints or copies of the submittal will be returned to <br /> CONTRACTOR . <br /> J . Upon return of a submittal marked "Approved " or "Approved as Corrected " , <br /> CONTRACTOR may order, ship , or fabricate the materials included on the <br /> submittal , provided it is in accordance with the corrections indicated . <br /> CONTRACTOR is not constrained from ordering equipment and materials <br /> subject to obtaining approved shop drawings . However, work shall comply with <br /> approved Shop Drawings , see Article 1 . 7 , O . , below . <br /> K . If a Shop Drawing or Design Drawing marked "Approved as Corrected " has <br /> extensive corrections or corrections affecting other drawings or Work , <br /> ENGINEER or ENGINEER' S CONSULTANT may require that CONTRACTOR <br /> make the corrections indicated thereon and resubmit the Shop Drawings or <br /> Design Drawings for record purposes . Such drawings will have the notation , <br /> "Approved as Corrected - Resubmit . " <br /> Last Revised 12/2007 01340-5 Wabasso Beach Pk Restoration <br /> FAPublic Works\Cliff Suthard\Wabasso Beach Park\A Construction Bid Documents\Bid Documents as of 1 -9-2008\Technical <br /> Specifications\Div 1 \01340 - Submittal of Shop Drawings, Product Data , and Samples.doc <br />