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The County Administrator read a letter dated February 3, 1967, <br />wherein the Floralina Exploration Company requests permission to run <br />drilling tests for minerals on all road rights-of-way maintained by <br />. the County- No action was taken. <br />At the request 9f Dire JoeEe Earman, Chairman of the Florida Inland <br />Navigation Distrist, and on lotion by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded <br />the Commissioner McCullers, the following Resolution was unanimously <br />adopted: <br />.RESOLUTION NO. 67-5 <br />WHEREAS, the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, Jacksonville to <br />Miami, has been authorized as a 12 foot navigation project for many years; <br />and, <br />WHEREAS, the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway has been completed <br />to 12 feet only as far south as Fort Pierce, Florida; and, <br />WHEREAS,increasing traffic on the waterway and the early com- <br />pletion of the Cross Florida Barge Canal make the completion of this authorize <br />project to Miami extremely importantto the economy of all of Florida; and, <br />WHEREAS, " the Florida Inland Navigation District is arranging for <br />the early replacement of bridges over the waterway along the .lower east coast <br />which now have substandard clearances; and, <br />WHEREAS, favorable freight .rates on bulk commodities which are <br />provided by barge competition are of the utmost importance to industry and <br />agriculture; and, <br />WHEREAS, the Senate Committee on Public Works has requested a <br />study of this deepening project of the Chief of Army Engineers by resolution; <br />and, <br />WHEREAS, a specific request for the necessary funds must be <br />made by. the Governor of Florida in accordance with the over-all plan for <br />waterways development in , the State; Now, therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian <br />River County, Florida, that said County Commissioners urge that the Govern <br />of Florida include in his request to the Federal Government for public works <br />for the next fiscal year the funds required for the study authorized by the <br />Senate Committee; and,E B 8 1967 BOOK 10 PAGE 24.;` <br />