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On Motion by Commissioner Dritenbas, seconded by Commissioner <br />McCullers and unanimously carried the Sample Ballot for the Second <br />Special Primary Election to be held on March 14, 1967, was approved <br />as submitted by the Supervisor of Elections. <br />Commissioner Macdonald moved, seconded by Commissioner McCullers <br />and unanimously carried, that the deed from Helen Hanson to the County, <br />conveying all of Block 29, Townsite of Roseland, with the special covenant <br />on behalf of the County to hold and use the property as a public play- <br />ground or for other public purpose, be accepted and ordered recorded. <br />A request was received dated February 27 and signed by eight <br />families living in the area of South 27th Avenue and SW 28th Avenue <br />(vicinity of and west of Ixora Park) that the County Commission take action; <br />against Mr. Milo Miller, Sr. living in same area to remove all junk cars, <br />livestock and unsightly debris on his property. The Administrator <br />noted that this condition existed prior to the adoption of the Zoning <br />Regulations. After discussion, the Administrator was requested to follow <br />the advise of the County Attorney and advise these people that the <br />Zoning Law is not retroactive and does not cover their complaint; if they <br />want to prosecute they should file their own complaint. <br />On Motion by Commissioner McCullers, seconded by Commissioner <br />Dritenbas and unanimously carried, the Administrator was authorized <br />to install an underground culvert in exchange for the 10' easement over <br />the Cafferata property on 45th Avenue in Tropicolony. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Bogosian that the County Adminis,-.L <br />trator be authorized to consult with the Mosquito Control Board and the <br />Drainage District relative to improving drainage in the Gifford area, <br />with particular emphasis on the report that Dr. Flood submitted regarding <br />the contamination of wells, Indian River County Health Department test <br />runs of February 27, 1967 in the Gifford area; and, since this condition <br />may not exist in Gifford only, include any and all subdivisions in the <br />County. The Motion was seconded by..:.Dtitenbas and unanimously carried. <br />On Motion by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner <br />Bogosian, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted: <br />MAR 8 1967 800ai PAIGE <br />