On Motion by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Oommissione
<br />Bogosian, the following Resolution was unanimously dopted:
<br />NO. 67-22
<br />WHEREAS, request has been made by the Indian River Farms
<br />Drainage District to Indian River County for a conveyance to the Drainage
<br />'District of a certain parcel of land now owned by Indian River County and ac-
<br />quired by Indian River County, through mesne conveyances, from the Indian
<br />River Farms Drainage District, the s. id request being made by reason of a
<br />conflict in boundary lines between Indian River County and Zapf Groves, Inc. ,
<br />the Indian River Farms Drainage District having also conveyed the identical
<br />parcel of land to Mr. Norman F. Zapf; and
<br />}
<br />WHEREAS, the parcel of land conveyed to Indian River County,
<br />by deed recorded in Deed Book 62 at page 329, Public Records of Indian River
<br />County, is described as:
<br />The West 9.2 cres..of the East 19.2 acres of
<br />Tract 13, Section 18, Township 32 South,
<br />Range 39 East; and
<br />WHEREAS, the conveyance from the Indian River Farms. Drainage
<br />District to. Norman. F. Zapf, by deed recorded in Official Record Book 11 at
<br />page 359, Indian River County Public Records, described the parcel conveyed
<br />as:
<br />the West 1.6 acres of the West 10 acres of
<br />the East 20 acres of Tract 13, Section 18,
<br />Township 32 South, Range 39 East; and
<br />WHEREAS, the parcel owned by Indian River County is now being
<br />used as a stump dump, by Indian River County, excepting the area of conflict,
<br />which is now being used by Mr. Norman F. Zapf and Zapf Groves, Inc. , the
<br />said property having been improved by Zapf Groves, Inc. , by installation of
<br />'three (3) wells on the area of overlap and = ditch;
<br />NOW,' THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County
<br />Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, that -the request of the
<br />Indian River Farms Drainage District for a conveyance to it of:
<br />The West 1. 6 acres of the West 10 acres of
<br />the' East 20 acres, including: but not limited
<br />,,,to the West 25.54 feet of the°West 9. 2 acres
<br />of the East 19.2 acres of Tract 13, Section
<br />,,,. 118, Township 32 South, Range 39 East,
<br />1I,
<br />APR 51967' IOPACE
<br />Smith, Heath, Smith & O'Haire, Attorneys At Law, Vero, Beach, Florida
<br />